The film Nicholas Nickle by is an adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic. The movie directed by Douglas McGrath, was produced in 2002. In the movie, we meet Nicholas, whose father just has died. Nicholas finds himself the head of the household and with no means to support himself, his mother, or his sister, Kate.
He turns to his uncle Ralph for help, and his uncle helps him find a job as a teacher at Wack ford Squeers’ Dotheboys Academy. At this time, we meet Smike, a crippled boy who was treated horribly and made to work off his debt, because his caretakers failed to pay his tuition to the school. Nicholas befriends Smike and helps him cope with his loneliness until Nicholas can not stand the way they treat Smike and saves him from a beating by Squeers. Nicholas and Smike run away and meet Vincent Crummies who gives them both a job as actors in his theater group. After Nicholas and Smike spend some time there, Nicholas gets an urgent message from home that his sister’s good name is being ruined, so he returns to London with Smike and denounces his uncle. He finds a job working for Charles Cheerybe and his twin.
While working for them, he meets Madelyn who he fall deeply in love with. They have some obstacles, but they finally get together in the end. One of the many themes in the movie is that if one is a good person then good things will happen to him or her. The first example of this theme occurs is with Smike, who was a good person but has had bad things happen to him. Then, he meets Nicholas and is able to overcome his situation. Even though he dies, he is able to die a happy man and apart of a loving family, instead of dying unhappy and alone.
The second instance of good things happening to good people is when Nicholas and Smike escape the school. they wander through the woods where they meet Vincent Crummies who give the a job in his theater group. He takes Nicholas and Smike into his family without even knowing them. The third instances of good things happening to good people is when Nicholas goes back to London with Smike and looks for a job, were he meets Charles Cheerybe and his twin. The Cheerybe’s gives him a job without his having any experience in that field and not knowing him. The Cheerybe also introduces Nicholas to the love of his life, Madelyn.
The last example of good thing happening to good people is when Nicholas meets his girlfriend, Madelyn. Madelyn’s father squanders their fortune with gambling debts and tries sells her to one of Nicholas’s uncle Ralph’s business associates to have his debts removed, fortunately dies before that can happen. After that Nicholas and Madelyn get married and live happily ever after. Life has a way of balancing out the problems. If one is a good person, then good thing will happen to him or her.