Bilingual Education English Language School

Was the lack of effective a reason for Luis to become a gang member on the streets? Bilingual education is the means for children to express their knowledge. At least today, some kids are retained in the same grade level for not knowing how to read or write in English. If students were to be taught in a bilingual manner, things would be different. For example, kids do not know how to pronounce or read syllables. Spanish is helpful when it is taught the appropriate way.

Teaching Spanish will help kids learn syllables and pronounce them. Since this country is basically made up of immigrants, the primary language of many children is Spanish, English being the secondary language. It is harder for small, elementary children to learn anything in a language that they have not ever heard before, meaning that one day they speak and hear Spanish and the other they hear English. This is how children are expected to learn, from one day to another. Bilingual education helps children develop skills and be familiar with what is being taught to them, rather than have them give up at the moment when they experience something difficult. Bilingual education is Spanish and English teachings at school.

There are different cultures that immigrate here to the United States, but the most two spoken languages are Spanish and English. Under The Elementary School Journal many different approaches to implement bilingual education are stated. The most frequent method that is used is the transitional method. “Valdez and Wong-Fillmore offered a concise rationale for the transitional bilingual education model as the best way to ensure high levels of literacy for language-minority students.” This article states how this method works throughout the child’s elementary education. Transitional language is a program where students are taught in their primary language, Spanish, and then moved on to the mainstream, English only classrooms. Basically, students are being prepared to enter the mainstream.

This program is used at the first grade up to the third grade. Education Digest, explains and states the need for bilingual education. Parents take part in this also. Some parents are concerned because their children have remained in the same class for more than seven years. This article has statistics that relate to today.

Since students are taught in a different language that is all new to them, they feel trapped. They are not comfortable speaking a new language, rather than being taught in their language and mixing both languages. For those who drop out of school, they find that as an exit. How can they go to school to understand and learn, when going to school is a totally different world to them? This article also shows the many propositions that were developed in order to be passed. For example, “The institution has commissioned several important studies on bilingual education and the impact of Prop. 227.

One report, by Kenji Hakuba- carrying the title ‘How long Does it Take English Language Learners to Become Proficient?’ found that the acquiring of oral proficiency in English proficiency can take from three to five years and that academic English proficiency can take from four to seven years’.” Studies under this research also show that those who developed sufficient English proficiency to leave those classes during their school careers. This is how bilingual education works when it has been researched and studied. There have been made many researches under bilingual education, but there is one research that I understand the most. First of all the research gives a little background information. For example, there were many programs that were made in order to bring up this research. “Bilingual education programs that are long term in structure and implemented in using the native language, as well as English, across grade levels, are commonly known as maintenance bilingual education (MBE) programs.” Secondly, the article explains how the research would work under the school’s population.

For example, “Hispanics constituted 33% of the total school population at the time of this study, and there were approximately 7, 810 Spanish-speaking LEP students.” Under this same research “Students who are already proficient in Spanish and are learning a second language (English), as well as children who start school with limited skills in both languages, are provided the opportunity to become fluent in both languages.” These studies involved research on gender. Researchers tried to see who it affected the most by being taught bilingually and in English also. It also explained the different methods that were being used under the study. These studies led to the point where school, teachers, and students were involved. The method is called the instructional program. “The instructional focus of all classes in the study was language development, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish.” However, “English language development, for the most part, focused on oral skill development (listening and speaking).” Basically the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, explains and describes in detail how studies on Bilingual education do help in the educational learning for elementary students.

Bilingual education is the way to bring success into children. The knowledge and the learning of these kids depends on the way that they are being taught. If Luis was taught in bilingual education, he would have been more than just a gang member on the streets. Having bilingual education determines the future and the success children will have.