Girls In The Group Slut Girl Wolf

“The Making of a Slut” While sitting at my desk in the attendance office of a high school, I listen as the male students brag about how many females they ” ve slept with. They actually argue about who’s the bigger “stud.” The girls in the group, however, only listen. They know that while it’s cool for a guy to sleep around, a woman who does it is considered a slut. This is what Naomi Wolf writes about in “The Making of a Slut.” She describes the stereotype of the bad girls and the reaction they get from society.

Wolf states that “in any group of girls, someone has to be the slut.” (p. 1036) I agree with this statement. There is always one girl who has the most experience with men and is therefore considered the slut of the group. I remember the slut of my group. Unlike the girl Dinah that Wolf talks about, the girl in my group was more of an “undercover slut.” She didn’t make her personal life known to the world.

All the girls in the group thought she was too cool and always wanted to hear about her experiences. The guys loved her, too, of course, but we all knew they talked bad about her behind her back. One of the hardest parts of becoming a woman is going through development. If a girl develops faster than others her age, she becomes an easier target to be falsely accused of being a slut.

If a large-chested girl chooses to stand tall and be confident with her body, she is thought to be “flaunting her breasts.” A female should always be confident with the way she looks and should not have to slouch for fear of being called a slut. Sadly, it is not only the men who stereotype women. Many times, it’s women calling other women these horrible names. Wolf touches on this when she writes about the cheerleading tryouts.

“Dinah’s kicks were higher and her splits were deeper than any of the other girls over whom she towered in our class. (p. 1037) Clearly, Dinah was the best dancer in the class. Oddly, the squad would not be chosen by p. e or dance teachers for physical skill, but by regular subject teachers instead.

“These teachers thought of themselves as the conscience of the school.” In other words, skill had nothing to do with it. They were picking the girls based on their reputation. They might as well have not even held cheerleader tryouts. While I disagree with having a “slut” for a cheerleader, I disagree even more with unfair judgement, which is what Dinah suffered. Now, if this were a contest for best reputation, I could see where Dinah could go wrong. Wolf writes that the girl named head cheerleader was no angel.

But how many girls are? It all depends on how you carry yourself and hide your dirty deeds. Most women have done something in their lives that would be considered “slutty.” But if they dress right and be a slut with the right people, chances are they will never be called that. “Almost every society punishes its sluts in its own ways. It’s just that right now, our own sometimes pretends it does not.” These days, sluts are all over the television. You see strippers, prostitutes, and even just singers who dress like sluts on movies and in concerts. So does that mean it’s okay to be promiscuous? The female population is receiving mixed messages.

Society is telling us it’s wrong to be a slut, while the media seems to be saying it’s okay. Wolf talks to her friend who’s done it all, a “verifiable slut.” She basically says the men don’t respect sex workers and don’t treat them like human beings. Personally, I believe all women should be treated equally. But, at the same time, how respectful is a woman who gets paid to give men sex? She is not even respecting herself. I am not saying that they deserve to be harassed or beaten, but they themselves must know what they are getting into when they enter that type of business.

I like this piece of writing by Naomi Wolf because it brings up gender issues that we still face today, but I also get the idea that she’s saying being a slut is okay. Being a slut is not okay, though. Wolf states, “it is no wonder that even today fourteen-year-old girls who notice, let alone act upon, desire have the heart-racing sense that they are doing something obscurely, but surely, dangerous.” Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and desires, but a fourteen year old girl who acts upon a sexual desire is getting herself into a dangerous situation. She should, in my opinion feel that she is doing something dangerous. If the world was a perfect place, no one would have to worry about acting upon sexual desires, but in this world we have all kinds of diseases and unwanted pregnancies happening to fourteen-year-old sexually active girls. Wolf states, “The culture had said: Take it off.

Take it all off. The culture had also said, of the raped girl, of the hitchhiker, of the dead girl: She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing.” It is a sad thing when a girl is blamed for being raped. I have seen this happen plenty of times, especially at college parties where girls are date raped. “She shouldn’t have come up with me to my room,” or “she shouldn’t have gotten so drunk,” are only some lines that guys use when explaining the situation. A girl has a right to say “no” whenever she wants to, and it just makes it emotionally harder to deal with when she is getting blamed.

However, girls do have to do something to try to prevent things like these from happening. If a girl doesn’t want guys staring at her chest, she shouldn’t wear a chest-revealing top. If she doesn’t want to sleep with a guy, she shouldn’t tease him. Other women might say that girls should be able to wear whatever they want to without having to worry about getting harassed or stared at. That would be great, if it could happen. But we don’t live in a perfect world, so wear whatever you want to, ladies, but beware of wandering eyes.

And sleep with all the guys you want, but don’t be surprised when you hear the word “slut” describe you. Wolf makes good points in her story, but I don’t think she understands that people will think whatever they want to about others. That’s the way it has been and that is the way it always will be.