In today, s world there are all kinds of ways to be brought up. The biological family is the traditional way, but is it the best way? For some it is and for others it is not. The ways things are done now are a lot different then years past. Which way would you choose? The ways children are brought up today are much different than they were thirty years ago. In today, s society you have gay and interracial people raising kids. That was never thought of years ago, or at least was not prevalent for the time.
I am not here to bash or hate people that raise kids that are gay or interracial, I just believe growing up, as a child would be extremely tough. I am sure there are cases that children were brought up like this and did fine. I take this into consideration because I have a cousin that married a black man. They have three children and it has been rough on them in some instances. Children will ask why they have two different colored parents or why they wear certain clothes. Those little things that affect the way a child feels about him / herself .
This makes it tough on the parents also. All they want is people to look at them for who they are, not the color of their skin or sexual preference. The truth is I, m not against them I, m just not for them. In my opinion the best way to be raised is by your of the same ethnicity.
Being raised by your biological parents has some clear-cut advantages, the first being a biological connection you have with your child. The parents are more likely to love and care for a child that they created. If you were a child who, s biological parents were of different ethnicities, you still would have the bio connection, but people would still question you. Growing up as a child would be a whole lot easier too. The child knows they he / she has some qualities that either there mother or father have. I take this quote from Stephanie Coontz about the traditional family.
^aEURoeMost Americans support the emergence of alternatives ways of organizing ways of parenting and marriage. However many people worry about the growth alternatives to marriage itself. They fear that in some of today, s new families parents may not be devoting enough time and resources to their children. The rise of divorce and unwanted motherhood is particularly worrisome.
^aEUR (Coontz 77-80) Coontz makes her point about parents being responsible and showing their love for the child or children. In these modern times people want to be different. They want to have pink hair and tattoos. They way we raise children now a days is much different then we use to.
The male provided the income, while the wife stayed at home and cleaned, cooked, and took care of the children. Was that way of doing things so bad? Yes and no. Everyone should have the opportunity to succeed in a career in which they choose. The point here being that men and women are not raising children like they should.
Kids being brought up in a non-traditional family face more problems than kids coming from a traditional family. “Among Canadian-born adults aged 20 to 44, more than 80% of those from two parent biological families completed high school, compared with 71% of those from lone-parent families. Those who lived in blended or step-families at age 15 fared no better with a 70% graduation rate. ^aEUR (Fredrick & Boyd 13) “Children in single-parent families are more likely to repeat grades, possess poorer language skills and are in poorer health than other children.
They are also less likely to get along well with friends and parents” (Fact Sheet Online). Those quotes give proof that a child with both parents is more likely to succeed in life. Having both parents a definite advantage. Being gay / lesbian is also just fine with me.
I have nothing against people that are. I do have a problem with adoption though. Growing up in a home with two fathers or mothers would be a little weird. People would question what you were doing. What I mean by that is people would possible judge you different just because you were gay or lesbian. The kid would be harassed at school and called names.
I wish that our society wasn, t so closed minded, but that just the way it is. There are four states that ban gay adoption: Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Utah. TALLAHASSEE, FL ^aEUR” New information reveals that Florida’s state law prohibiting lesbians and gay men from adopting not only harms children but also will cost the state millions of dollars in federal funds, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which has a federal lawsuit underway to overturn the adoption ban (2000 Press Release). This paper is based on a lot of my own opinion, which nobody has to agree with.
The fact is I believe that a traditional home is the best environment to grow up in. Some will beg to differ with me and they have the right to do so. There is a lot of evidence going against the single-parent family. Yes there are a whole lot of great single parents in this world, but what would you rather have? You should know my answer by know. Should you agree with it? That, s totally up to you. Finally I must state the traditional way in my opinion, is the best way.
The reasons are clear-cut in why I believe so.