Greatly Emphasis The Reality Family Respects Power

The truth behind the Hayden’s rule is a corrupt holder of the law. The Hayden’s rule is the obsession with powers; the obsession with rights above all. This novel greatly emphasis the reality behind the powerful and powerless. The Hayden’s holds the Montana 1948 written by Larry Watson is a novel dealt with the importance of justice and family loyalties. It reveals family relationships clashes with personal duties and public duties with the shadow of a brother who abuses his rights as a doctor acting unlawfully towards his patients, A father who has grown into a tyrant over long years with power, holding him self as the dominant one in the county, manipulating the rights of others and especially the native. This novel expressed the true-life facts of what it is like for a person with power and justice in the control of his hand to carry out his duties, when a family member has acts unlawfully, violating other’s right and the pressures act upon him to diverse the law, the wrong or right decision whether to keep family members happy on others grief.

Wesley who has the power faced a difficult decision in pleasing the citizens whom he serves or his family. This novel shows the justice system is like anywhere and everywhere corrupt and decaying, acting unfairly to only those who has no rank, rights, money and power in the society. Montana 1948 is a novel based on the important of individuals striving to find the honesty and selfish side of one self when the need for these qualities comes unexpectedly. The truth behind the Hayden’s rule is a corrupt holder of the law. The Hayden’s rule is the obsession with powers; the obsession with rights above all.

This novel greatly emphasis the reality behind the powerful and powerless. The Hayden’s holds the power, it’s a family traditional father to son to thing, it shows what the reality is when a descent good hearted person have hold of a position with great power and is expected to follow the foot steps of the descendent before him and the result when he doesn’t. The father and son injustice acts, violating the rights of others. Julian gained the respects and trust from people not from mutual trust and respects but from fear. Frank on the other hand gained the great respects and trust from the citizens from his career as a doctor and as a son of the Hayden’s. From respects gained by fear and respects, the Hayden’s get especially Julian, they manipulate the law as how they see it would fit.

Julian a person who holds the power, but all he was a na ” ive and tyrant leader, who takes too much pride in his power and display himself as one above others and manipulate the trust, the power and his family respects for him. The respects and rights the Indians deserve from some one who they see as a protector like Julian were non what so ever, it express why the Indian kept low profile from the white and still they don’t deserve the respects for doing so, instead they were preyed upon as a joke. Frank a trusted healer, with the privilege he has as a doctor to care and cure his patients, instead he is one like his father Julian see the Indians as a joke and use his privilege to act upon the them with low regards and use them for personal needs. The burden Wesley faced being the perfect keeper of the justice and the interference it has on his family relations.

Wesley the only descendent of his family power, that uses his position wisely to serve every individuals in the county with respects they deserve from him as keeper of the law in the county, but it was not the way his father whom passed the position to him would expected him to use it. The hard decision he faced, when he received the news about his own brother unlawful act towards his native patient, Wes faced with the hardship to find his true self whether to do his job as a law enforcement, enforcing those who violate the law which is his own brother. The pressures from a father that support his own son shameful actions and disrespects the son who tries to do the right thing. The fact that by doing the right thing would mean destroying the relationship with his family, still Wes had the courage and heroic act knowing his duty find justice for those whose rights have been violated and punish those who acted it, even if it is his own brother. This novel, expressed from the view of a 12 year old boy David Hayden’s, greatly emphasizes the reality, justice has on powerless people. The Hayden’s family tragic, results from the ruthless acts they carried out from the many years of their ruling and healing is a true and great example that we can relates to from our observation of our society.

Wes an honest sheriff, who dare to reveal his family truth, behind the powerful name they are known for, suffered a great loss for being honest and being himself, shows that we should do what is right despite the outcomes it would have. This novel is a great example of the corruptive justice system and the respects a person should express toward one another, as friends and family.