After looking through the topics in the book for my example paper, one topic
caught my eye right off the bat. After five years of I finally graduated. I
was not pleased with my overall efforts towards my work in high school. By noticing
this, I realized that my senior year in high school really was a waste. I realize now that I
never really took school seriously. I remember my mother always telling me how
in portant my education really was.
I never listened to her when she told me this. Now
that I am older and in college I really wish i would have listened to her. I could have
really used a college scholarship instead of paying for school.
In high school I was to worried about having fun and partying, instead of doing
my work and getting serious with school.
I look back at it now and wonder how I could
choose having fun over having an education. I quickly came up with an answer. It never
came to my attention during all my having fun and partying, that my education was
going down the drain. This was because I had the least care in the world as long as I was
having by bit of fun, only squeezing by most of my classes. I remember during my senior
year toward the end of the year was the most stressful time of my life. I have never
worked as hard as I did that last six weeks of school.
I look back at the stress that i went
through and I wonder how I could put myself through that.
The grades that I did make my senior year were pretty much worthless. I barely
passed with a D average. I only went for three hours my senior year becasue it was my
fifth year of high school. You would think by only having three classes that I could have
managed to at least have a C average. By barely getting by that whole year I not only put
myself through such stress, but I probably put my mother through much more stress.
My mother really tried to encourage me to do better, and I kept on assuring her that I
would. I not only lied to her, but I lied to myself as well. Deep inside I really wanted to
do better. It was just lack of self motivation that prevented me from doing my very best.
I know that I had the potential and will power to make straight A’s, I just didn’t
fulfill at my fullest ability. I remember during the last six weeks, when I was still
partying and having fun while studying hard and doing my work, I realized I could do
both at the same time if i just applied myself. It was after I realized this that I noticed I
could have been doing both all alone, even though it really doesn’t sound right.
I remember one time in particular when my mother went up to the school board
after I had F 6 ed, and got my days fixed. That very night i went out to a party and got
totally wasted. I stayed at a friends house that night and didn’t wake up for school the
next morning.
If not for a very nice man name Mr. Isbn i would not have graduated from
high school. Even after he had been that nice to me, by a lowing me to come back to
school, he did it again. I realize now that the best way to learn something, is to learn from
your mistakes. I have no problem with admiring that my senior year in high school was
a complete waste, becasue I know it was. I have accepted that fact and have learned
from it.
Now that I ave started college, and have learned what not to do in school, I can
go on about my education in a totally different direction. I realize that college is nothing
like high school. By knowing this, I can also do things different. In a small ways I am
somewhat glad that my senior year was a complete waste. If it wasn’t a complete waste
I might not be in school right now. I believe that by my, almost failing as a high school
senior motivated me to go to college..