Abortion Arguments Between Pro And Con

“Abortion is murder.” People opposed to abortion strongly believe that abortion takes away the “right to live”, and is morally wrong. Though, others for abortion argue that the statement is just a religious belief. Pro-abortionists consider that having an abortion is the women’s’ choice. What makes it judge that abortion is murder? First of all, abortion is the “termination of pregnancy.” Stopping the women’s pregnancy means to destroy the embryo or of the fetus. To the anti-abortionists, this is the same as slaughtering a baby.

They believe that the fetus is a separate human being. To this, pro-abortionists disagree that the fetus is still dependent on the mother until it is actually born. As the fetus is connected to the mother by the placenta, and is only separated at its birth, they conclude that abortion is not murder. The problem with this argument is when do we call a fetus a person? From the religious perspective, a baby is already a person from the start of the conception.

Some of those who oppose abortion believe that a fetus is a person when their central nervous system is developed. This is because, when the nervous system is made, a baby will feel extreme pain when abortion takes place. Advocates disagree to the religious viewpoint, but agree about the matter that babies will feel pain when their nervous system is built. Though, the baby’s “brain structure and nerve-cell connection that characterize the thinking and feeling part of the brain” will not develop until the seventh or the eighth month of pregnancy. In addition, abortion never occurs after the twenty-fourth week, which means that abortion is not a crime of murder, and does not take away a person’s life In the United States, thousands of women died from illegal abortion, until 1973 when abortion became legal in all states. Though, anti-abortionists demand that abortion should be made illegal for several reasons.

For instance, they consider that abortion is not actually needed, because if a woman is raped, she can get immediate medical treatment to prevent pregnancy. Also, it is pointed out that making abortion is available to women – especially teenagers, will only encourage them to have sex. They will forget to say “no.” Although the anti-abortionists have mentioned these strong points, the fact is that around 59% of the raped women get pregnant, and birth controlling medical treatments, do not always work. In addition, there are many cases when rapes are not reported. Therefore, if medical treatments can not be relied all the time, and many of these raped women get pregnant, abortion may be better than drinking useless medication. Legal abortion may be the cause for encouraging teens to have sex.

This is because, offering abortion will comfort the teenagers by letting them know that pregnancy can be prevented. Now days, teen sex is increasing from the influence of sexually oriented TV, movies, and ads. Although, abortion may be one of the causes for the increase in teen sex, from the advocates’ perspective, it is an aid to those who wish to not become a parent yet. The most difficulty in having an abortion is whether a woman would be able to handle the psychological damage afterwards. Many experience intense depression, or guilt, for judging that they murdered their own child (ren). Others may regret in having an abortion, as they start to desire for children.

Anti-abortionists suggest that abortion should not be provided, if women end up carrying psychological damage throughout their lives. Although many women may obtain these wound less damages, advocates to abortion argue that unwanted pregnancies must be prevented. This is because, usually unwanted babies are abused, neglected, battered, or even killed by their own parents. Unwanted pregnancy may cause women to fail in loving their babies, or even caring for them. Thus, abortion prevents misfortune of the babies.

Personally, I think that abortion should be legal all over the world. It is needed to many women who have reasonable explanations to why they need to have an abortion, such as for being raped. Anti-abortionist may think that abortion is similar to genocide like the Nazi Holocaust, but the major difference is that abortion is done by the women’s decisions, and genocides were carried out by the order of Hitler. From my perspective, abortion is not murder, for fetuses are the gradual step before the new life form, and is not a person yet.