Breast Examinations Big Breasted

I believe that big breasted women should have an ultrasound in addition to their annual mammogram. But also believe that women should be more educated in breast examination options. Most women don’t know that there are different types of breast exams and how important they are, big breasted women should have both and ultrasound and mammogram, and women need to know that they are in control of their body and their doctor. Most women don’t know that there are different types of breast examinations doctors go by. The three basic types of breast imaging are mammogram screening, diagnostic mammograms, and ultrasound imaging.

Mammogram screenings are used for symptomatic patients meaning they don’t have any complaints of their breast. Diagnostic mammograms are used for patients who are having pain or breast abnormality. The diagnostic Mammograms are also used to give and exact location of a tumor. An ultrasound is often using to further evaluate a problem seen or not seen in a mammogram.

But yet alone a mammogram by itself is only 85-90% accurate. (Booklet p. 2. ) Big Breasted women should have an ultrasound in addition to their annual mammogram. Big breasted women have lumpier tissue then a smaller breasted woman would. Most women who are big breasted fail to realize how important it is for them to have an annual mammogram as well as an ultrasound.

There are too many big breasted women underestimating the lumps in their breast, such as Pam Coeur d”Alene a cancer survivor. (booklet 2 p. 1. ). Sometime when having an annual mammogram screening or just doing a self check at home is not enough, where as, mammogram and an ultrasound together are 95-100 % accurate. (booklet 8 p.

6 Women need to know that they are in control of their body and not their doctor. We do have doctors that are out their not doing their jobs right all of the time. Doctors can only go by what a patient tells them. They are there to do a job and you as a patient are their employer. Being a patient you need to speak up like a boss. When a patient knows there is something wrong with your body you tell the doctor what to do.

For an example, a doctor can order a test and that one test could come back clear. A doctor could also leave that one test at that and leave a patient wondering why am I still having problems. That’s why you as a patient have to be educated before going in to a doctor’s office. In conclusion, there should be more studies about breast examinations. There should be more advertisement on breast cancer awareness.

In the future more women will know that there are more then just one basic mammograms and ultrasound imaging, women will know how important it is to have a mammogram as well as a ultrasound, and women will know that they are in control of their health.