Chiropractic Healthy Aging

The word “Chiropractic” is derived from the Greek word chiropraktikos, meaning “effective treatment by hand” (DC Victoria). Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts. It is also a drug less and non-surgical mode of care. As Thomas Edison once said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease” (Gazdar 21). Over the years chiropractors began more and more focusing on the spine.

It is now based upon the belief that good health depends on the functioning of the nervous system. Doctors of chiropractic use the same time-honored methods of consultation, case history, and x-rays as any other doctor. It is the examination of the spine structure and function that makes chiropractic so different from other health care procedures. The spinal column is a series of movable bones, which begin at the base of the skull and end at the center of the hips. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves extend down from the brain and exit through a series of openings. The nerves leave the spine and form a complicated network that influences every living tissue in the body.

Accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion, and countless other factors can result in a displacement or derangements of the spinal column, causing irritation to spinal nerve roots. These irritations are often what cause malfunctions in the human body. Chiropractic teaches that reducing or eliminating this irritation to spinal nerves can cause your body to operate more efficiently and more comfortably. Chiropractic also places an emphasis on nutritional and exercise programs, wellness and lifestyle modifications for promoting physical and mental health (Chiropfind).

It is for these reasons that chiropractic is becoming more and more accepted today. In 1895 Dr. Palmer gave the first “chiropractic adjustment.” Dr. Palmer, a magnetic healer, adjusted the neck of his janitor, Harvey Lillard. Harvey had become deaf seventeen years earlier when he displaced the vertebra in his neck. Dr.

Palmer grabbed the vertebra and in his words, “I racked it into position using the spinous process as a lever and soon the man could hear as before.” Over the next few days almost all of Harvey’s hearing returned. Some doubt this ever occurred but even J. F. Bourdillon, M. D.

says, “The start of chiropractic dates from when Palmer adjusted a Negro… .” Bourdillon went on to say, .”.. there is no doubt in my mind that some dysfunction in joints in the upper thoracic spine can affect the function of the inner ear.” This was especially unusual because medical doctors were the first to question chiropractic. Today, however, more and more medical doctors are beginning to refer patients to chiropractors. (Gazdar XXV) Many question why to go to a chiropractor? Well, the spine is not as well developed as everyone thinks. The spine has weak areas: the design could be better; the bones and shock absorber disc pads that lie between them could be stronger and more resilient; and the joints could last longer.

If the blood supply to the discs were more complete they would last a lifetime instead of two-decades of life. Without blood, oxygen, and nutrients, the discs dry out and degenerate faster. Because of our spines having a basic structural problem people tend to have problems in their everyday lives (America). These problems begin during the birthing process. The position of the mother coupled with the pulling from the delivering physician has a lot to do with the creation of subluxations. A subluxation as defined by the Association of Chiropractic College is: “A subluxation is a complex of functional and / or structural and / or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health” (America).

These subluxations can cause swelling, which then cause “pinched” nerves. If a subluxation occurs in the lowest vertebra causing it to move forward Anterospondylolistheses (sway-back) can occur. (Gazdar 32) This often causes low back pain for the rest of life. Teenagers also have back problems; this is due to the fact that the spine does not completely become bone until a person is in their mid-twenties.

Most problems after the age of twenty occur due to trauma such as accidents, falls, or overexertion. There are two types of traumas macrotrauma and microtrauma. An example of macrotrauma is a whiplash type of injury to the neck. Any macrotrauma injuries are of a more serious nature. An example of microtrauma would be holding your head in one position for a long period of time causing a subluxation.

The main reason people have for seeing a chiropractor is pain. There are ten reasons for pain in the back; trauma, poor posture, facet syndrome, disc problems, failed back surgery, subluxed ribs, common referred pain, Scalenus Anticus syndrome, arthritis, and direct trauma to the head. Nerve dysfunction easily occurs because the brain and the nervous system are very delicate. The smallest amount of pressure can cause an unbearable amount of pain. These conditions can be helped by chiropractic.

(Gazdar 33) The chiropractic perspective on health and disease emphasizes two fundamental concepts: the first being the structure and condition of the body influences how the body functions and it’s ability to heal itself; and the mind-body relationship is instrumental in maintaining health and in the healing process. Chiropractic philosophy gravitates toward a holistic (“total person”) approach to healing. They believe the body moves naturally toward health. As a chiropractic tenet once said, “The power that made the body is the power that heals the body.” Because of this belief chiropractors emphasize on patient recuperative abilities rather than surgery. Many people are beginning to seek chiropractic care now instead of going through unnecessary surgeries. Chiropractic first tries to understand the causes of illness in order to eliminate it, rather that simply treat symptoms.

In the past all that people worried about was diminishing pain. Now people have an understanding to truly deplete Chiropractic philosophy blends an effective combination of conviction, critical thinking, open-mindedness, and appreciation of the natural order of things. Chiropractic focuses on the establishment and maintenance of a relationship between patients and their environment, which is most conducive to functional well-being. Chiropractic has a salutary effect on one’s health. Chiropractic care is the most conservative, safe and natural therapy available and should be tried first. If it does not help then one should consult a medical doctor.

(DC Victoria) Becoming a chiropractor is no easy task. It all begins in high school. First, they exhort students to take high school Human Anatomy, Chemistry, Physics, Sociology, and Advanced Biology classes. Once in college one must retain a bachelor’s degree in the science field. This degree must include classes like Kinesiology, Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

(Seif) Between sixty to seventy-five credits or more must be completed. Once this has been achieved one must attend chiropractic college. There are a total of seventeen chiropractic colleges in the United States none of which are located in Michigan. Only ten of the sixteen colleges were established prior to 1945.

Over 14, 000 young men and women attend these chiropractic colleges each year. (Gazdar 16) The Council of Chiropractic Education, a nonprofit organization located in Arizona, influences admission requirements of chiropractic colleges. The chiropractic program consists of four academic years of professional education averaging a total of 4, 822 hours of course work. Several areas of study are emphasized during the course: adjust ive techniques, spinal analysis, biomechanics, physiological therapeutics, and practices of chiropractics.

The practice of chiropractic is licensed and regulated in all fifty states in the U. S. and in over thirty countries worldwide. State licensing boards regulate, among other factors, the education, experience and moral character of candidates for licensure, and protect the public health, safety and welfare.

The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) was established in 1963 and functions quite similarly to the National Board of Medical Examiners. The NBCE maintains consistency and fairness among the state licensing boards. The NBCE also administers the national board examination process necessary to practice as a chiropractor. This exam is divided into three sections. Part I cover’s the basic sciences and may be taken after the first year of chiropractic college education. Part II covers clinical sciences and is administered when students are in their senior year of Chiropractic College.

The final Part III is a written clinical competency examination that requires a student to have passed parts I and II and be within eight months of graduation. (America) Most chiropractors come out of college making 30, 000 to 40, 000 dollars a year. Their salary depends on whether they join an office with other chiropractors or begin their own practice. If in a office with others they tend to have a stipend.

More and more chiropractors are becoming independent of each other. But being independent takes some time to build a reputation. Novices are unfortunately seen as callow. On average a chiropractor makes 80, 000 to 90, 000 dollars a year.

Some chiropractors, mainly in southern states, are beginning to form coalitions with hospitals and other types of doctors. Many people believe the combination of chiropractic and other fields will speed up the process of bringing a person to optimum health. To be a successful chiropractor one must have obtained certain skills outside of education, such as, hand dexterity, strength, and the feel of ones back to be able to manipulate someone. Chiropractors also must be very affable in order to keep patients coming back.

In 1999 there were 55, 000 chiropractors practicing in the United States and the numbers are escalating. Between 2004 and 2006 chiropractors will have expected 20 percent job growth. (America) More and more chiropractors are beginning to not only deal with adjusting the back but also nutrition and exercise. One program that chiropractors often use is the Seven Habits of Healthy Aging. The Seven Habits of Healthy Aging is a step-by-step program to help control aging and prolong vitality. You begin this process by finding out what your actual age is.

The objective of the Actual Age test is to discover key health indicators like muscle mass, body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate, blood pressure and hydration measurements that can “freeze frame” your body’s age in years. You will discover how far your body, regardless of your chronological age, has already proceeded along the normal aging continuum and help to identify risks for preventable disease. Regular testing helps you track and monitor your progress over time, which can provide added motivation for anyone trying to increase energy, lose weight, reduce stress, or slow down aging. Once you have discovered your actual age you will be guided through the Seven Habits of Healthy Aging to bring you to optimum health. The first habit in healthy aging is balanced eating. Each meal should consist of 15 grams of protein, 20 grams of wholesome complex carbohydrates and 6-7 grams of healthy oils.

By eating balanced meals every time one puts food in ones mouth, one will keep the body working at its optimum. The second habit is eating frequency. The key concept in eating frequency is to determine the daily protein amount one should have and spread it out evenly through out the day. A modicum amount of food at a time is best. Five meals are a minimum a day to keep metabolism up. By combining even just the first two habits one will begin to feel better.

Habit three is Exercise. The key concept is that muscle is youth. Regular exercise will increase energy, stamina, and a better body shape. There are three levels of exercise plans.

The first is for the low fit. This is for those who when test 10 years or older on their Actual Age test. This plan consists of cardiovascular aerobic exercise programs, with no muscular conditioning. The second plan is for the moderately fit program. It is for those who are one to nine years older than their chronological age. This plan consists of more aerobics then muscular conditioning but it does have some.

The third plan is to maintain fitness. This plan is for those who are their chronological age or lower. This consists of cardiovascular training and muscular conditioning (Seif). Habit four deals with stimulants. The key concept of this habit is to gradually reduce one’s use of stimulants and one will have increased concentration, more energy, more productivity, and better sleep. All stimulants become depressants and accelerate aging.

A few examples of stimulants are coffee, soft drinks, alcohol and anything with caffeine. The fifth habit is stress. Stress is harmful because stress imbalances every hormone system of one’s body. Stress weakens one’s resistance, increases the chance of disease, contributes to fat gain and puts one on the fast track to aging.

Some people are “addicted” to stress. This happens the same way people become “addicted” to caffeine. There are four areas of stress to be considered, mental or emotional, nutritional or chemical physical or structural, and electromagnetic. One must try and reduce all areas of stress (Seif). Habit six deals with supplements. It is almost impossible to receive all the nutrients one needs without the aid of supplements.

Supplemental meal replacements let you control your protein, carbohydrates, and fat intake. The last habit is concerning hormone balance. To maintain optimum health all hormones should be in balance. The best way to achieve hormone balance is first to adhere to the first six habits in the program. The Seven Habits of Healthy Aging is designed to help men and women balance their health habits and improve every aspect of their lives. The answer to health is balance (Seif).

It is true that chiropractic has been a long time in coming and gaining acceptance. Times have definitely changed. Many myths are beginning to die off. One myth is that chiropractors will give one a stroke. This is one of the falsest statements and one of the most misunderstood.

Another myth is that chiropractors think they can cure everything. The fact is that the body is truly an amazing machine, and one should respect and take care of it. Chiropractic is not a religion, as some believe. It is not just a philosophy or just a science either.

Like medicine, it is a philosophy backed up by science, and a science practiced with philosophy. Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts. Chiropractic care has a salutary affect on one’s health. (America).