Lathyrus Salivus Months Vaccination Disease

Investigate and understand the Vaccination Dilemma 1. Orthodox Vaccination 1. 1 Investigate and explain the case for allopathic vaccination. List your research.

Basic vaccination principles are more than 200 years old, and many allopathic practitioners stress the overwhelming good they do. (1) The Australian Government and Health Department recommend all children to be vaccinated from birth. Hepatitis B is given at birth, Diphtheria Tetanus Whopping Cough, Haemophilis influenzae type B (Hib) and polio are given at two months of age and repeated every two months until the age of six months old and again repeated at one year old. When the child is one year old the measles, mumps and rubella are added to the schedule. At eighteen months the diphtheria tetanus whooping cough is repeated. At four years of age every thing is repeated before they go to school.

The allopathic doctors believe immunisation protects children against harmful infections before they come into contact with them in the community. They believe the bodies natural defence mechanism (the immune response) can build resistance to the particular substance given through immunisation. The reason for vaccination is to prevent serious complications and sometimes death that can be caused by various diseases if the child contracts the disease directly. The vaccines given are usually small doses of live but weakened forms of a virus or bacteria and sometimes a modified toxin that has been produced from bacteria. Vaccines contain preservatives and small amount of antibiotics that act as preservatives. Not everyone is protected by vaccination.

The Health Department estimates that at least 95% of children who are vaccinated are protected. (2) However life long protection is not the case, most of the child vaccinations only last about five years. Side effects of vaccination are redness and soreness at the injection site and a mild fever. Only one in one million may develop inflammation of the brain, and one in a hundred may develop headaches and muscle pains. (3) 1. 2 Investigate and explain the case against allopathic vaccination.

List your research. Immunisation is a term used to describe cutting the flesh to introduce a foreign matter usually disease into the body to give a person immunity from disease. (4) Immunization against diphtheria was introduced in the 1930’s and 1940’s at which time the death rate for this illness was negligible. Following these immunizations came the diphtheria epidemics. People who had been vaccinated were also contracting the disease. Also in the 1940’s after immunizations for tetanus and whooping cough outbreaks occurred.

(5) The polio and smallpox vaccines are suspected of being contaminated by animal viruses being produced on monkey’s kidneys and calves kidneys. This is suspected to be the catalyst that started the spread of the aids virus. (6) In Japan unlike Australia the age to start vaccination is aged two years. Japan has stopped using the MMR vaccine as too many children developed non-viral meningitis. They have also linked vaccination to cot deaths in babies.

Cot deaths have virtually disappeared in Japan since this regime has been started. There seems to be no evidence that only un vaccinated children contracted diseases during epidemics. Allopathic doctors have tried to eradicate diseases like Whooping cough but have been unsuccessful and are now telling parents at least it will alleviated the disease if contracted. (7) The theory that the primary cause of disease is not bacteria needs to be considered; otherwise all vaccinated persons exposed in a similar way to identical bacteria would become ill. This does not happen, which leads us to the conclusion that the individual immune response of each person is different.

This brings us back to the idea that vaccination is damaging to the immune system, which could lead to other problems like becoming susceptible to other autoimmune diseases. (8) ) Injection of vaccines and antigens into the body can produce various side effects. This can tend to destroy the vitality of the bodies immune system as it is injected straight into the bloodstream. This bypasses the normal passages of the immune system, which gives the vaccine direct access to the vital organs of the body, making it harder for the body to respond in a normal way. This can lead to cancer and leukaemia and drives the disease deeper into the body and leads to chronic infestation by the pathogenic agent.

(9) Other side effects may include convulsions or shock / collapse caused by the whooping cough vaccine, brain damage and even death. (10) The vaccines themselves may contain other chemicals that are toxic to the body, for example formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium which are known cancer-causing substance in themselves. 2 Homeopathic Vaccination 2. 1 Investigate and detail how Hahnemann used remedies prophylactically. What were his criteria for doing so? Give examples. Samuel Hahnemann first talked about chronic diseases in 1828 and how to treat them.

Hahnemann developed a liquid delivery system of cure which he claimed speed the time of cure greatly. He talked about his way of cure in the ‘ Organon’, which was a collection of his writings. In the 6 th Organon Hahnemann discusses how he used Belladonna for prevention of scarlet fever and Aconite for roodvonk, also Bryon ia and Rhus tox for acute mias m of typhus. This type of treatment he called the homeoprophylaxis. The classical tradition has developed two major methods of homeoprophylaxis. The constitutional remedy, and the remedy epidemicus.

It was Hering who proved the nosodes. The constitutional remedy is selected from the characteristic mental, general and particular symptoms. This strengthens the vital force by removing predispositions, increasing vitality and raising general immunity to stress and disease. Combined with good hygiene, good nutrition this forms the first line of defence against disease. The remedy epidemicus provides protection against epidemic diseases. It is chosen by the symptoms present in the current epidemic disease.

This method is used when there is a danger to domestic or social health. It is called the group anamnesis. Hahnemann was the first person to complete the theory of susceptibility infection and the defence mechanism. He believed in ‘Like cures like’. He wrote the Doctrine of the mias ms and shortly after developed the use of miasmic organisms as potentized homeopathic remedies for the prevention and treatment of disease. (11) Hahnemann proved many remedies on himself; this is how he knew the remedies worked.

He believed homoeoprophylaxis worked if the process was done with small amounts of the solution and it was administered properly. Homoeopathic immunisation does not involve introducing live or dead viruses or antibodies into the body; instead remedies are prepared from disease tissue or secretions using the dilution and succussion method. The remedy contains the highly potent form, the essence of the disease. The body reacts to this by improving its immune response. (12) 2. 2 Investigate and detail current homoeopathic vaccination regimes.

Give Examples. It was Constantine Hering who performed the first proving of a nosode on himself. It was Hering’s idea to use potentized remedies from miasmic agents. The word nosode implies the use of dangerous materials to potentized remedies. The use of potentized miasmic nosodes for prevention of disease is homoeoprophylaxis by nosodes. This method is currently being used today.

(13) The Australian Vaccination Network recommends the allopathic style of vaccination the same as Isaac Golden. Some homoeopaths believe that letting a child contract the infectious disease will mature the child’s immune system, and should be treated as the symptoms arise. This is only a good idea if the child has a strong vital force. This is usually only done with measles and mumps. Other homoeopaths believe a constitutional treatment is the only sound method of disease prevention and is the only true homoeopathic method.

This is the process of giving people homoeopathic potencies as a vaccination when there is no disease present but taking the individual persons mis aims into consideration. They believe that the remedy can do no harm and can improve a person’s health. Isaac Golden allopathic style states that the remedies are given on twenty-eight occasions over five years, approximately one dose every two months. This is usually given in a 200, M and 10 M over twenty-four hours this is given as a single dose. The remedies given are usually Haemophilis, Lathyrus, Salivus and Tetanus toxin. (14) Other programs promoted by the Australian Vaccination Network are the allopathic style: 2 months Pertussin (M) 3 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 4 months Lathyrus Salivus (200) 5 months Diphtherinum (M) 6 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 9 months Lathyrus Salivus (200) 10 months Pertussin (M) 12 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 13 months Morbillinum (M) 14 months Parotidinum (M) 16 months Diphtherinum (M) 18 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 20 months Lathyrus Salivus (200) 22 months Pertussin (M) 25 months Morbillinum (M) 26 months Parotidinum (M) 28 months Diphtherinum (M) 30 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 32 months Pertussin (M) 36 months Lathyrus Salivus (200) 40 months Diphtherinum (M) 42 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 48 months Lathyrus Salivus (200) 56 months Tetanus Toxin (M) 60 months Lathyrus Salivus (200) 12 years Rubella (M) 14 years Rubella (M) The supplementary program when exposed to potential infection is: Whooping Cough: Take Pertussin (30) daily for two weeks after contact with carrier.

Tetanus: Take Led um pa lustre (30 daily for three days after breakage of the skin. Polio: Take one dose of Lathyrus Salivus (30 every three weeks during an outbreak of polio. Diphtheria: Take one dose of Diphtherinum (30 each week for four to six weeks during an outbreak of diphtheria. Measles: Take Pulsatilla (6) nightly from the third day after contact with carrier to the 16 th day.

Mumps: Take Parotidinum (30) weekly during an epidemic or after contact with a mumps carrier. Use Pilocarpine (6) daily if symptoms develop. German Measles: Take Pulsatilla (6) night and morning for 10 to 14 days after contact with carrier. Homoeopathic vaccination works, although it is hard to say scientifically how it works other than to say each individual will react differently to each potency administered. It works by changing the person’s disease-specific sensitivity to a disease. Homoeopathy is founded on natural laws and has worked for over 200 years in clinical experiences.

Children do not get sick and die from a bad virus unless they have predisposing factors. The major factors being, eating too much sugar and drinking soda instead of water. (15) 2. 3 Comment on the difference between individualised homoeoprophylaxis and allopathic style homoeopathic vaccination. Individualised homoeoprophylaxis involves the use of individual remedies selected in an individualized and non-routine manner, to reduce or eliminate the disease. I believe individualised homoeprophylaxis is the safest way to approach vaccinations for a child.

The whole constitution of the child would be taken into consideration, including previous diseases. The homoeopathic style vaccination is similar to the allopathic style; this involves the use of routine combination and series of disease nosodes in an effort to give long-term resistance to a variety of diseases. If the allopathic style were to be employed the remedy would be specific for the infectious disease and would not necessarily be specific for the child. I believe the child’s vital force would be stronger if the individualised method was employed and proper care was taken to nutrition, and the mental, emotional and physical state of the body was considered, as would happen with individualised homoeprophylaxis. 3 What would your advice be to a parent in your clinic asking if she should vaccinate her child? I would listen to what the parent had to say. I would then have several documents available for the parent to read outlining the allopathic way of vaccination and the homoeopathy way of vaccination.

I would ask the parent to take them home and read them carefully, and to come back and discuss it with me again. I would then respect what the parent’s decision was and agree to assist them whatever way I could. If the parent chose to vaccinate the allopathic way I would respect this decision. REFERENCES Day P, Health Wars, 2001, Credence Publications, Kent, U.

K. (4, ) Educate before you vaccinate, Brochure, The Australian Vaccination Network, Wynn um QLD (10) Golden I, Homeopathic Disease prevention (14) web > Hall R, Immunisation Myths and Realities, Brochure, Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services. (3) Health well, web (1) Locke A. Dr. The Family Guide to Homeopathy, 1991, BPC C Hazell Books, Endl and (12) Scheibner V. PhD, Vaccination, 1993 Australian Print Group, Maryborough, Victoria (5, 6, 8, 9) The Origin of Homoeoprophylaxis, web (11, 13) Vaccination, A Homoeopathic perspective, 2001, Academy of Safe Therapies, Burleigh Heads.

(7, 15) Understanding Childhood Immunisation, Brochure, Australia program 200, Commonwealth Department of Health, Canberra. (2).