Personal Most people know their personal strengths and weaknesses. I know my own and use them to better myself. I am very confident on the work I do and feel I perform better than any of my associates, my education in the electrical field is wide and broad, it has made me a leader for my associates and they respect me for it. There are areas where my expertise requires the help of others, especially in the area of mechanics, knowing this to be my weakness I choose those persons with a strong knowledge in the area to be near me when I need them, this arrangement makes us look like a very strong team at our workplace and gives us recognition as experts.
A great team is formed by individuals with lots of different strengths and weaknesses important so they can excel in areas where others struggle. One area where I continuously excel is in the area of sales, most people after talking to me are convinced I can sell them anything they want, if I don’t have it I can usually get it at a low price for them, I can sell from computers to food or clothing items. I also have two friends who help me sell what is hard to sell and get good commissions on the sales, they know that good profits will be theirs from their continuous association with me; I know I make money from my salesman. It is incredible how quality people attract quality people, losers seek losers and how everyone realizes that to get the most out of everyone, losers, leaders, experts need each other to maximize to the fullest the benefits of any organization. I constantly feel responsible for those who can not overcome their weaknesses and always try to educate them so they can become strong at something.
One day they might prove useful to me. I know that to keep up with others I have to continuously improve myself, that is why I am now going back to school, my associates now realize that they need to better themselves and now are also interested in school. My strengths and weaknesses could better be described by my friends, I cannot look myself in the mirror and fully describe myself, and this weakness is hard to get rid off.