Ladies and Gentlemen Over the past few years the public in Britain and Ireland have been campaigning against abortion. A variety of people have very different views on this matter and I am here today to tell you mine. Parliament, for many years, have been contemplating making abortion illegal, in the hope to try and highlight contraception and safe sex which would reduce the amount of sexually transmitted diseases spreading for example HIV and AIDS. Parliament thinks that if women know that they cannot have an abortion if they get pregnant they will be more likely to use contraception during sexual intercourse.
I do believe that this is true but, I just do not think banning abortion is the right thing to do. Firstly, put yourself in this position: you are a teenager or young woman who has been attacked and raped. Just going through that is a colossal trauma, and in many cases women have to go through years of counselling to face up to their attack. Secondly imagine then finding out that your attacker has got you pregnant – can you even begin to imagine the pain this would cause? Just knowing that one sick man has left a living thing to grow inside your body! Next, even worse than this imagine then realising that you were unable to have an abortion because it was illegal! It is bad enough to go through an attack but to have to go through a pregnancy as well is, in my opinion, pure wickedness! Why do people automatically assume that all women who go through an abortion are just ‘irresponsible young teenagers’ or ‘heartless women’? In most cases this is untrue and you will probably find the people who do have abortions have good and just reasons to do so. Talking of teenagers, not all of us are ‘irresponsible’ or ‘sex craved’ and quite frankly I am fed up at seeing adults snigger and turn their noses up at teenage parents. They are not automatically bad people just because they ” ve made one mistake! We cannot all pretend that we are perfect because we are not, nobody is, and if adults are allowed to make mistakes then so are teenagers.
If you think about it, why should teenagers’ lives be turned upside down just because of one irresponsible mistake? Making abortion illegal would not only ruin the lives of those women who get pregnant with but could also ruin the lives of the unwanted children themselves. The children could be lucky, and have parents who, after going through the pregnancy learn to cope with the child and give it all the love and security it is possible for them to give, but this is unlikely to happen in every situation. In some cases the children could be brought up in an un-loving and un-caring situation, maybe even leading to child abuse or sexual abuse. The un-wanted child could even be taken into care or put up for adoption. Now I ask you this question; wouldn’t it be better to end the child’s life before birth, instead of making the child’s life hell after birth? It is not fair on the child and it is not fair on the parents. Whatever happened to Women’s Rights? Now, I’m sorry but we did not ask to be chosen as the child bearers did we? So we should be able to have a choice on whether, if we get pregnant, we keep the baby or not.
If women were unable to abort babies it would be total discrimination against women. Now scientists argue that at twelve weeks the foetus can feel pain and has all the body parts and internal organs it needs to survive. So technically aborting a baby at twelve weeks and over is murder, which I do agree with, but surely then they should just ban abortion after 12 weeks, not abortion all together. There are One Hundred and twenty thousand abortions each day world-wide, that’s one hundred and twenty thousand unwanted children aborted each day! Not meaning to sound too insensitive but if abortion was made illegal could you just imagine how over populated the world would become? Now we all know about sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and AIDS, but surely instead of banning abortions all together parliament should spend some money on better safe sex education in schools for teenagers, and a campaign to promote contraception. Surely this could make a big difference to unwanted pregnancies? My main concern on banning abortion came up when I was researching into the cause for concern. I found out about back street abortions.
They occurred when abortion was illegal many years ago. Although abortions were banned, they still went on, but not in the hygienic ways in which they are performed now, they were done in people’s kitchens or back alleyways. The operation would be performed with knitting needles and spatulas, and in most cases not only did it abort the baby but killed the mother too, because of the amount of blood loss she would suffer! Some of the things I read were unbearable, surely we do not want to go back to that? Abortion is a serious matter and I’m not saying that abortions should happen instead of contraception, I’m saying that if people make a mistake they should have a right to chose! So think about it, if it happened to you what would you do?