has influenced the world a great deal. He has influenced the world with his achievements, and his outlook on humanity. His views will have a lasting influence on the world for all time. Abraham Lincoln was the 16 th president of the United States, and one of the greatest leaders in American history. He was a noble, humane man who stood out because of his strong opinions. He was a superb politician, lawyer, congressman, and president.
Lincoln had a lasting influence on American political, and social views. Sadly his life was cut short, when he was shot and killed. On February 12, 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born. He was born along the rivers of Kentucky.
Lincoln spent most of his days farming, fishing, hunting, and doing chores. In 1816, Abraham and the Lincolns moved to Indiana. Soon the young Abraham Lincoln became very skilled in many lines of work, especially the axe. Abraham big for his age began work, with an axe, at 9 till he was 24. In 1830 an epidemic of milk sick was rumored in Indiana. So in March 1830 Lincoln and his family set out for Illinois country.
That same year Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded to speak on the behalf of a local candidate. It was Lincoln’s first political speech. Lincoln was said, to have given the best speech of the day. Little did he know this would be the start of a brilliant political career. In 1831 Lincoln made a trip to New Orleans. There he started his political career.
As soon as Lincoln arrived he joined a local political debate. There he mastered the art of debate. He met many new people and they all respected him and his skill to debate. When Lincoln would debate, he would always have a very unique style, and the ability to persuade anyone with reason, and an argument. Abraham Lincoln had a brief military career.
It started in 1832 when he ran for a seat at the Illinois House of Representatives. Lincoln was later elected for that seat and started his plea to end slavery. He soon grew more popular and more began to hear his opinions. During his term a group of Native Americans launched a rebellion against the government and its officials, at once Lincoln enlisted in the armed forces. Soon after Lincoln was named captain of his force. Lincoln and his force put down this rebellion within weeks.
After Lincoln’s term ended, he reenlisted in the army as a private. After a span of three months passed Lincoln decided to end his service, and come back to politics. Lincoln took great pride in his brief military career. Lincoln had a tough first presidential campaign. Lincoln returned to New- Orleans in 1832, and Election Day was just two weeks away. It was presidential election year and political parties everywhere elected presidential candidates.
In his brief campaign Lincoln spoke everywhere, from tiny village squares to city streets, even to farmers in their homes and fields. Lincoln met with anyone he could and shook as many hands as he could. Nevertheless, Lincoln failed in his brief campaign. President Andrew Jackson, who was looking for his second term as president, defeated him.
In 1834 Abraham Lincoln once again ran for representative of the Illinois legislature. By then Lincoln was known and admired by many. When election time rolled around, Lincoln won by a unanimous decision. Lincoln not only was elected that year, but was also reelected in 1836, 1838, and 1840. Lincoln later became the floor leader at the Illinois legislature. Lincolns experience in the Illinois legislature sharpened his political skills, made him more skilled in debate, and made him great in the art of political maneuvering.
This would lead Lincoln to even more success in politics. In 1837 Lincoln took his first public stand on slavery, which would change the world forever. Lincoln and a colleague declared that slavery was “made on both injustice and bad politics.” Lincoln opposed slavery, but he favored lawful ways of achieving its destruction. Through out Lincolns career he was constantly fighting slavery, hoping one day to destroy it. Lincoln continued to widen his actions against slavery, so Lincoln ran for a seat in Congress. Soon after Lincoln was elected to a seat in Congress, from here Lincoln started his biggest and loudest fight against slavery.
Lincoln began by raising more questions. He asked “why were the majority of slaves sold African, if it has nothing to do with race?” . “What ever happened with America being the home of the free, if these people didn’t have the G-d given right to do what they wanted?” . Lincoln and his questions stirred up many conflicts in Congress.
The extension of slavery was a very important question during Lincoln’s term in Congress. He backed the Wilmot Proviso, which said that “slavery be prohibited by any territory acquired in Mexico.” Lincoln also put forward a program for the abolition of slavery in Washington. Although Lincoln’s proposal never really went to Congress, it exemplified his opposition to slavery and the moderate means by which he wanted to achieve abolition. The proposal called for the emancipation of children born into slavery, after January 1, 1850. Slaveholders were informed they would be compensated for their loss or losses. Lincoln then got his bill to Congress, which said that Washington would outlaw slavery.
Finally Lincoln won his long fought battle with Congress, and the voters of Washington approved the bill before it came into effect. Lincoln also pushed even further to completely abolish slavery for good. Lincoln was soon starting to lose interest in politics, but when Lincoln heard that on October 1 1854, Congress was going to pass the Kansas-Nebraska. The act angered Lincoln greatly, he was angered like never before. This act created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and stated that they have the right to chose wheatear to live with or with out slavery. Lincoln couldn’t believe that Congress was giving them the chose to live with or with out slavery, Lincoln felt they shouldn’t have the right to slavery at all.
With the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act, a new Lincoln had emerged into politics. Now for the first time in Lincolns career he was actually really devoted to a cause, the Anti-Slavery Forces. Lincoln began debating again and ran for vice president, but lost by a small number of votes. Then Lincoln ran for senator, and lost to Stephen Douglas.
His debates began to be heard by many people and his message started to get through. He later had many debates with senator Douglas. Both had great respect for one another. They both were on opposing sides and ran against each other several times, and Lincoln would always come up short. In 1860 the Illinois nominated Lincoln for its choice for president. Lincoln fought a hard battle and was later named the president of the United States.
On March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as president of the United States of America. Lincoln then named his cabinet and officials. On April 12, 1861 a civil war had been declared against the southern United States. This civil war came about because of seven states in the south-continued slavery, this angered Lincoln.
Lincoln’s old debate opponent Stephen Douglas led the south. Lincoln never lost sight of his responsibility to end slavery. A radical group of republicans, called Jacobeans, called for immediate action against the south to free the slaves. Some thought the north should launch a crusade against the slaveholding south. Eventually the north defeated the south, and slavery had finally been abolished. In April 16, 1862 president Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which abolished slavery.
Lincoln had finally achieved one of the most influential and memorable goals in American history, which was the abolition of slavery. Sadly his fight to free the slaves cost him his life. He was murdered by a man who stood for everything Lincoln didn’t. Abraham Lincoln made an enormous, and important difference in the world, he abolished slavery. This was important because, if he would not have abolished slavery there is a chance slavery would still exist. That means no freedom and that’s what America is all about.
People wouldn’t want to come here, with the fear of becoming a slave, and America wouldn’t be as powerful as it is. Thank G-d he did abolish slavery so everyone comes here, or lives here will feel America is a place of freedom and opportunity. Abraham Lincoln was a great influence in the world, then and the world today. His actions left a lasting impression in our social society today. He set the foundation of true and lasting freedom for all of the people of the United States. For this he will always and forever be remembered as one of the most influential people of all time..