Abuse And Neglect Essay Personal Commentary

Abuse and Neglect Having a child is something that is supposed to be an experience that lasts a lifetime. Children need lots of attention when they are born, and they need to be properly taken care of by parents that are responsible and caring. As sad as it is there is a large problem with child neglect and abuse. I believe that every couple, or single parent that is going to raise a newborn should have to go through mandatory parenting classes before the child is born.

I think that this will help parents to learn how to properly handle and raise their children. There are people all around the world that are unable to have kids, who would give anything for that chance. It’s truly a sad thing that some women find out that they are unable to bear children, when they really want to. Because of such things as abuse, there are babies that are found outside street corners with notes saying please take. With a list of over thousands of people waiting to even adopt kids, this is a sad thing going on.

What’s even sadder is that there are people out there every day who take advantage of this. They have children and neglect to care for them. When children are growing up it’s the vital period of life in which they need the most attention. If they have parents that act like they want nothing to do with them then it leads to many problems down the road. Many studies have been done to show that children that are neglected are rougher on themselves.

There are case studies from psychology that prove without love and nurture from your parents or elders, you are physically and mentally damaged for the rest of your life. Many of the largest murderers and serial killers known have been victims themselves of child abuse. It’s not a process that goes on when there younger, and when they grow up they suddenly forget about it. When a child is abused or neglected as a kid it sticks with them for the rest of their lives.

There are many babies that are born to uneducated parents, who are not ready to bring another person into this world. They are parents who have no idea what it really takes to raise a child. These parents are the same parents who you see running with their kids dragging on the ground in the shopping mall. This is just the beginning. Most of these parents start with this punishment, but what happens when their kid has a temper tantrum in the middle of public. Not knowing how to handle it, they start beating their kid.

I have a solution to this problem, because everyone knows that beating a child doesn’t help. Neglect is a failure by the person who is supposed to be caring for the child. Abuse is a known action to harm someone other than yourself. If you turn on the news you will hear of many instances of child abuse throughout the world these days. Parents have left their kids in scolding hot cars, beaten them to the point where they are unable to talk, and some have gone far enough to kill their children.

There are some sick people out there who have problems that cant explain these things, but for most it’s people who are uneducated on how to handle normal childhood situations. I believe that if every parent was to take a parenting class on how to handle such situations then they would be able to handle them better. I propose that we should make parenting classes, at no charge, mandatory for every parent expecting a child. I think that if we made it at no charge as well then there would be no excuse as to why people wouldn’t be able to make it to the classes.

These classes would cover how to act with children, the proper way to handle stressful situations, and how to care for your child. I think that the classes could also come with a book as a follow along, incase work or other things interfered. The classes could be held either at local hospitals or even local community buildings. They can be run by people of the medical field.

I think that if there are such classes where you go and learn how to breathe correctly when expecting, there should be classes that really make a difference in educating future parents. I think this would help tremendously. Child neglect is a major problem in the US these days. I think it’s horrible to think that there are kids out there who are treated like objects. People need to understand that the future starts with kids, and if they are being abused and neglected then what kind of world will WE make.