Today the planet earth is suffering from numerous pollutions. Pollutions that could have been prevented treated and even solved with just a little acknowledgement from those who have caused and nurtured these problems. Every species has to consume some kind of energy in some way. So naturally the environment is the key to this progression that keeps every species satisfied. Now in reality there is only one species that causes pollution due to a number of things; greed, pleasure, satisfaction, envy, and every other enticement endured. Unfortunately humans fall into this category as the disease destined to destroy this planet.
Pollution is a word we, humans, have come to shine away from when mentioned, at least most of us. This word should account for action, but instead accounts for fear, confusion, and even anger. Now not all humans are afraid of the word pollution, in fact there are a lot of humans doing a great deal to improve the environments status. For example acid rain is something we live with today in various places. It was first noticed back in the 1970’s, but out of ignorance it was ignored. Acid rain is basically pollution from gases released from humans into the sky cause the rain to be polluted.
Scientists strongly suspect that the culprit is acid deposition acting in concert with certain weather and soil conditions. Acidic water leaches trace elements from soil, including nutrient loss and stress. Slowly the trees begin to starve and sicken. Acidic water also releases aluminum and heavy metals that kill fine root hairs. Slowly the trees die of thirst. The worst part about this kind of pollution is that the ones who produce this rain often do not suffer the consequences.
Before the pollution actually settles in the air and comes down as rain it is blown hundreds of miles into a different location on innocent countries, states and unfortunately forest. Every country knows about air pollution and every country puts efforts out to improve the situation, some more than others. Anne Labastille’s ” Death From the Sky” explains a story of a man living in a forest and being one of the first to discover the acid rain problem. It also includes a very important statement, “It was apparent to me that Scandinavians and other countries were far more attuned to the environmental; health and nature than most Americans.” (394) This man lived in America and set out around the world to examine similar problems America was suffering and what actions were being taken.
America’s and others countries approaches and awareness towards these problems were like night and day. “The Swedes and Norwegians were sincerely trying to migrate the acid rain problem.” (394) Why is it that every other country suffering this pollution were not only aware, but they were also trying to eliminate the problem by any means necessary. “It seemed to me that Scandinavians believe the poisoning of their countryside is wrong and should be stopped. Solutions did not depend wholly on the monetary losses to fishing or tourism, the costs of scrubbers, or the extra dollars that citizens might have to pay to clean up air pollution.” (394) Most countries consisting of mostly free land and not civilization have more concern about pollution issues because the feel that anything created that damages the environment should be taken as a responsibility to clean up and make better.
America’s civilized and busy environment has become its own world. ” I did not sense there, as in America, a persistent paranoia about finances, political stances, and legalities.” (394) This unfortunate situation in America has blinded and even numbed most citizens to the real problems in an everyday life. Americans are so caught up in everything they want and what they think they need that they miss the true meaning of necessity. America’s lifestyle is like no other countries, they have surpassed every country in technology and by achieving this statement of superiority they have used up more natural resources than any other country. By using and having all advanced technology they have spared and took almost no consideration for the environment. ” Our Federal government is no closer to reauthorizing, amending, and strengthening the Clean Air Act as of this writing than it was in 1980.
It appears that each state may have to act if any cleanup is to happen.” (396) Pollution is not just a temporally problem to species suffering and soon to be affected, but also a devastating blow to the survival of the planet earth and everything living on it.