Adam And Eve In Paradise Lost

Milton was looked on by many feminists, “of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women,” (comma before quotation mark) [1] as rather chauvinistic in the way he portrayed Eve. In, (delete, ) Paradise Lost, there are many examples of Eve being slighted (comma and substitute well with while) well Adam remains unscathed. Haven’t Developed introduction completely When Eve first enters the world, (comma maybe) she awakes, “Under a shade on flow ” rs… ,” [2] by a lake. In putting Eve under shade, (comma maybe) Milton shows that she is not one hundred percent in accordance with God.

Eve wondered where and who she was and then she proceeded to look at her image in the water. (Revised sentence) “There I had fixt mine eyes till now, and pin’d with vain desire, had not a voice thus warn’d me… ,” [3] is Eve’s (‘ might be needed) words to Adam. This action shows how Eve is so vain that she would sit for eternity unknowingly mesmerized by her own image. All it takes though to move Eve from the lakes edge is the voice of God who she trusts without question.

Milton makes (made because past tense) Eve out to be dim because if most people were to hear a voice they would inquire (on) who (m) it was. However, in this case, (, might be needed) Eve just trusts (trusted if you want to make it past tense) the voice right away (immediately, for a better word) foreshadowing her trust in anyone who speaks. This shows how Milton is chauvinistic also (Do you need “also”) because he is inferring that woman (women because it is plural) over men (not clear. Maybe substitute for “inferring that women, instead of men, ) need Gods help to escape desires pertaining to images.

When Eve first comes in contact with Adam we see another example of her vain ness. Eve sees Adam as, .” … less fair, less winning soft, less amiably mild, than the watery image.” [4] (period before quotation) Eve is made out to be prideful as she thinks Adam’s image is less then hers. Immediately after these thoughts go through her head, (, might be needed) she turns away from Adam in an act of repulse. When Adam first enters (or entered) into the world, (, might be needed) he is (much more superior than Eve, (Suggestion) ) made to be a lot more superior then (than) Eve.

Adam first enters (or entered) the world, “In balmy sweat, which his beams the sun soon dr i’d… .” [5] In having him enter the world in sunlight shows how Milton is trying to display Adam’s closeness to God. Light is often associated with goodness, (, might be needed) well (while) dark is (a) representative of evil or hell. In Adams (or Adam’s) account of his creation, (, might be needed) the first thing he says he does is, “Straight toward Heav’n my won ” ring eyes I turn’d.” [6] He was aware immediately of his maker and without hesitation looked up to the Heavens. After Adam had looked up to the heaven, (, might be needed) he fell to sleep where an, “inward apparition gently move’d”[7] him. Milton allows (or allowed) Adam to see God, (comma might be needed) which (Revised sentence: has not been introduced in Paradise Lost) to this point in Paradise Lost has never been introduced.

Furthermore, (comma might be needed) God goes on to entrust with (delete with) Adam (with) His (His might be capitalized because it is in reference to God) commandments,” They who neglect and scorn, shall never taste; but hard be hard’n’d, blind be blinded more, That they may stumble on, and deeper fall; and none but such I exclude from mercy”[8].