Adolf Hitler Killed Roosevelt Germany

What is it that makes so appealing to the public? When I say “appealing” I don’t mean it in the sense that everyone likes him, but rather that he is of extreme importance even to this day. Arguments can be won or lost at the mention of his name. Call someone a “Hitler” and people notice. Because they are curious and deep down are part of the cult that surrounds this strange man. An artist who failed to get into the Academy twice, yet made an entire nation in his image. Adolf Hitler saw himself as an architect and wasn’t too far wrong.

His designs were impressive (sketch of VW Beetle and his take on the Swastika flag) and his idealism was extremely creative (the Autobahn, Women & Children’s social programs, German Super weaponry). Hitler became so popular in, not only Germany, but German speaking nations that when the Nazis “invaded” these nations (Austria, Czecho slavia, parts of France) they met him with flowers, kisses and hugs not bullets and bombs. Women cried, girls fainted, men saluted and he was probably the only statesman and national leader to ever experience a rock star-like popularity. No one passed out over Churchill, or fell on their faces before FDR. Even Mussolini was not Hitler’s calibur. Ronald Reagan once said that he knew what a rock star probably felt like due to his overwhelming popularity in America, but even he did not equal the cult status of Adolf Hitler.

Who did? Who has since? The popularity of Hitler was as great as an Elvis of his time or The Beatles, yet the “King of Rock n Roll” and the “British Invasion” did nothing but a song and dance. Hitler transformed the world in both a positive and negative way. With the popularity of a superstar, a saviour… Hitler also brought a destitute nation, humiliated and downtrodden to become a World power with the greatest military force in the world. Doubt it? It took the Big 3 (US, UK, & USSR) over half a decade to stop one nation. The blitzkrieg smashed entire countries in weeks.

Hitler’s mistake (war on multiple fronts) is what ultimately stopped Germany, yet it still took another 2. 5 to 3 years (longer for some then others) before Allies even stepped a foot into Germany. His social policies worked faster and on a larger scale overall than FDR’s “New Deal.” He executed the fastest recovery of a nation from poor to World power in history. It has not been repeated since.

Hitler compared himself to FDR in a 1941 speech. Below are some of the excerpts: “Roosevelt comes from a rich family and belongs to the class whose path is smoothed in the Democracy. I am the only child of a small, poor family and had to fight my way by work and industry. When the Great War came, Roosevelt occupied a position where he got to know only its pleasant consequences enjoyed by those who do business while others bleed. I was only one of those who carry out orders, as an ordinary soldier, and naturally returned from the war just as poor as I was in Autumn of 1914. I shared the fate of millions, and Franklin Roosevelt only the fate of the so-called upper ten thousand.

After the war Roosevelt tried his hand at financial speculation; he made profits out of the inflation, out of the misery of others, while I, together with many hundreds of thousands more, lay in hospitals. When Roosevelt finally stepped on the political stage with all the advantages of his class, I was unknown and fought for the resurrection of my people. When Roosevelt took his place at the head of the U. S. A. , he was the candidate of a Capitalistic party which made use of him; when I became Chancellor of the German Reich, I was Fuer her of the popular movement I had created.

The powers behind Roosevelt were those powers I had fought at home. The Brains Trust were composed of people such as we had fought against in Germany as parasites and removed from public life. Yet there is something in common between us. Roosevelt took over a State in a very poor economic condition, and I took over a Reich faced with complete ruin, also thanks to Democracy.

In the U. S. A. there were 13 million unemployed, and in Germany 7, 000, 000 part-time workers. The finances of both States were in a bad way, and ordinary economic life could hardly be maintained. A development then started in the U.

S. A. and in the German Reich which will make it easy for posterity to pass a verdict on the correctness of the theories. While an unprecedented revival of economic life, culture and art took place in Germany under National Socialistic leadership within the space of a few years, President Roosevelt did not succeed in bringing about even the slightest improvements in his own country. And yet this work must have been much easier in the U.

S. A. where there lived scarcely fifteen people on a square kilometer, as against 140 in Germany.” An artist, architect, inventor, statesman, military leader, superstar and national savior… He created a work of art and, himself, destroyed it. Should Hitler be admired or demonized? I say he should be judged like we should judge every man…

on his pros and cons. Do his cons outweigh his pros anymore than anyone else? Should Hitler be regarded as more evil than Stalin because he was a racist? Is racism the worse crime in the world? What about hate of any other sort? What about sexism? Millions died under his hand, yet millions more have died under the hand of the Catholic Church. Millions have died in Arab-Israeli wars, Asian conflicts, and in Africa, blacks sold their own to the “Evil, White man.” Jews were killed by Germans, Arabs killed by Jews, Americans killed by Arabs, Japanese killed by Americans and vice-versa. Christians have killed Jews, Jews have killed Christians, Muslims-Christians, so forth and so on. Whites have killed Blacks, now Blacks kill Whites at sixteen times the rate of the reverse. So, is this reparation? War and Conflict is a natural process.

It has always happened and always will. Adolf Hitler was no worse than any other killer in history, he killed people just as others before and after him. Jews are not more important than anyone else regardless of what Judaism and Christianity proclaims about “Chosen people.” Yet, they did not deserve to be treated harshly and killed either. Adolf Hitler should be judged on his contributions to society as well as his horrors.

Hitler was not a god, but neither was he the personification of evil either. He was a man with lots of charisma, talent, intelligence and also hatred. Yet today, even though he is vilified multiple times more than he is recognized for his constructive efforts, the vilifier’s have fallen to the Fuhrer cult. Hitler’s friends and supports created a god, and his enemies have maintained that god through their undying efforts to create a Devil. They have sustained his name and image by demonizing him, and have made sure that Adolf Hitler did become what had always wanted to become — IMMORTAL..