Advertising and Individuals The article “The Cult you ” re in” by Kono Matsu depicts an individuals’ opinion about the influence of advertising. These opinions describe advertising as a cult, which its’ members don’t feel they are in. Kono Matsu believes that influences from advertising have created “roles and behaviour patterns which we did not consciously choose.” The foundation of this cult is, doing what everyone else does and not what’s right for the particular individual whom is being influenced. I see advertising as a form of media, which challenges ones individuality.
It has no specific role, but simply a goal to better the perception of a particular product or view. In the western world the creativity of advertising has no limits, no guidelines, or rules to follow. It reaches its audience by embracing their needs and wants in words, pictures, and sounds. The advertisers are appealing to the masses to encourage them to spend money to find contentment, which will bring them serendipity in their perceived tumultuous lives. Many products in our society have successfully achieved their goal and improved the perception of that product.
Beer, a form of alcohol, which does not improve ones health, and if abused, can be detrimental to ones life, is an example. Advertisers for such brewing companies have created an image of acceptance and camaraderie among groups of males. Approaching the Christmas season the advertising for children’s’ toys escalates. Children are entranced and parents succumb to the children’s wants. In both of the examples given, the advertisers have appealed to the wants of a target market and been successful in doing so. We the consumers have been drawn in.
Are we part of a cult? Do we think the same? Are we being individualistic? Kono Matsu and I see the role of advertising in the same light. It is in our opinions on how advertising affects ones individual choices, where we differ. I agree, as teenagers are developing, their opinions and in learning what their personal needs and wants are, there is certain “cult” like influence (example: peer pressure). However as one matures, they begin to develop their own individual needs and wants, and therefore dictate to themselves what consumer choices they will make.