Amazing Properties Of Potentiated Bee Pollen

It’s a fully mechanized, computer controlled system. Potentiation takes place in an oxygen-free environment, with never coming into contact with the surrounding air or human hands. No degradation or oxidation can occur. Total quality control includes regular inspections for sterility, purity and effectiveness, including visual, microscopic and thionic testing. Packaging is in both sterile capsules and sterile bottles.

Let me introduce you to the exciting key which unlocks better health and vitality… Bee Fit POTENTIATED TM BEE POLLEN! More than 40 research studies document the therapeutic efficacy and safety of bee pollen. Clinical tests show that orally ingested bee pollen particles are rapidly and easily absorbed-they pass directly from the stomach into the blood stream. Within two hours after ingestion, bee pollen is found in the blood, in cerebral spinal fluids, and in the urine Several nutrients in bee pollen, such as proteins, beneficial fats, vitamins B, C, D, E, and beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, selenium, nucleic acids, lecithin, and cysteine, are scientifically well documented for their ability to strengthen immunity, counteract the effects of radiation and chemical toxins (which are the two most severe stressors to your immune system), and generate optimal health and vitality. Bee pollen proves to be quite useful for activity enhancement and sports nutrition.

It produces an accelerated rate of recovery, including a return to normal heart rate, breathing, and readiness for the next event. Bee pollen improves second and subsequent performances. Humans not receiving bee pollen show declining performances. It provides energy, stamina, and strength, and enhances performance levels Many people with allergies and hay fever safely and effectively ingest bee pollen.

73% of patients with hay fever averaged a 75% improvement when given bee pollen orally. 78% of asthma patients averaged a 75% improvement in taking the product orally. 17. 8% of hay fever patients and 33. 3% of asthma patients showed a complete, 100%, improvement with oral product -usually the sooner treatment began pre-seasonally the greater the rate of healing.

5, 6, 7, 8 Quercetin in the product inhibits the release of histamine in the body. It may be one of the contributing factors in decreasing allergic and hay fever responses. 9, 10, 11, 12 It is carried out on the dry material at 8% Celsius (48^0 F) in an inert atmosphere (to prevent oxidation). The materials potentiated are completely undamaged, which is a great improvement over other processes.

No chemicals are used, the cool, dry conditions under an inert atmosphere prevents product changes or deterioration. Potentiated Bee Pollen is the ULTIMATE all-natural supplement that boosts energy and provides nutritional support to every cell in your body. will boost your immune system, improve your mental alertness and improve your digestion. Pollen is a vegetable food, grown in organic conditions and contains no additives. Today scientists describe pollen as a complete food.

The human body is made up of 22 essential elements and pollen is the only food that has each of these 22 elements. Pollen contains 27 vitamins and a minos, 28 minerals and a balanced range of antioxidants, as well as micronutrients, enzymes, hormones, RNA and DNA (the very stuff life is made of). Perfectly balanced by Mother Nature to feed your cells, pollen will re-energise and rejuvenate your life. It is a powerful Super Food; not made in a laboratory by men in white coats, boiled in test tubes and punched into tablets made of dead chemicals that are mixed with fillers and preservatives.