Analyse The Causes That Constituted The Rise Of Peron

There are many causes which enabled Juan Domingo Peron to establish himself as the sole ruler of Argentina. Whither these are long term causes such as the political instability created by previous regimes, USA protectionism and WWI or short term causes as his own ability to climb up the ladder of political force, WWII and his commitment with the army. The main reason for his success in consolidating his regime was that that he succeeded in promoting his policy of Justicialismo satisfying the demands from both the extreme nationalists and the industrialist’s. These; combined with the role Evita Peron in “building Peron’s social image” Clive Foss enabled him to establish himself as the autocratic ruler by 1946.

By 1943; Argentina had been ruled by 5 political leaders who failed in providing a stable political rule. These rulers not only failed politically but also failed to bring social justice and economic stability increasing the discontent of both extreme nationalists and industrialists. Since the coup of 1930 made by Yrigoyen; passing through the rule of Augusto P Justo in 1932 against Uriburu the governments were meant to fail by the rapid increasing social gap between the rich and the poor. The infamous decade; ruled by the Concordancia marked the alienation of the extremes in which none were truly satisfied. The First World War followed by USA protectionism in the 1920’s contributed in devastating Argentina’s economy. Exports decreased; imports decreased and conditions within the domestic market were reflected in the people’s despair leading to class struggle.

In 1937 Ram ” on Castillo assumed the power of an unstable country with a weak economy. At first exports and economic growth rose due to the natures of WWII; however in 1941 Castillo made a huge error within his foreign policy that cost him his rule. He broke international relations with Japan, Germany and Italy; this was seen by the public as “una gran estupidez” (great stupid action) because it increased the already weak economy by narrowing Argentina’s field of trade. WWII was responsible to increase Peron’s “cult of personality” because he became the face of Argentina in the Post- Conference in 1945.

On the other hand Peron was able to climb the political ladder between the period of 1943 and 1946. His involvement in the coup with General Rawson in 1943 was his access to the political world. In 4 th of July; he was appointed as the minister of Labour while Pedro P Ramirez was appointed minister of war. In the 7 th of July Pedro P Ramirez was appointed Vice president and Peron took the jobs of minister of social welfare; minister of war and minister of labour. During this period; Peron managed to give the trade unionists industrial disputes; he managed give them welfare benefits; provided a industrial decree which increased his support from the industrialists. This; were well combined with Peron’s past in which people felt identified.

Peron had been borned in lobos; a province near Buenos Aires. He was a son of Mario Peron; a farmer with Italian and Scottish background and Juana Sosa a Spanish descendent. When addressing to the industrialists; Peron used a white shirt collar; and called himself “the first worker.” Industrialists and peasants felt identified with him for this. Peron’s background helped him to appeal the church and the army.

His own catholic upbringing immediately won the support from the church. The church itself was highly related to the landowners and people with high incomes. Therefore; Peron won the support from the high classes at the same time. At the age of 16; Peron got enrolled in the military academy; he quickly increased in rank up to the status of colonel which help him to gain support from the army; in order to keep the army in his side; Peron showed great commitment with industrialization, gave the army high wages and provide them with ultimate technology and warfare. Peron’s ideology helped him to win the support from the extreme nationalists and at the same time to increase the support from the industrialists.

Peron ideology constituted of the policy of justicialismo which was a mixture of social and justice appealing to the needs of the working classes. This, mixed with his acquired fascist sympathy in 1937 provided his semi fascist side. He was a “nationalist, anti-semantic, anti communist corporatist ruler” that combined with his “eclectic appeal to rule by emotions rather than intellectual” -Williamson, won the support from the extreme nationalists. His aim was to nationalize the economy and to “revive Argentina both socially and economically” which appealed to the demands of the extreme radicals keeping them happy. Although these causes may seem to be important; the main reason for Peron success in consolidating his popularity amongst the trade-unionists and the establishment of his presidency was the role of Eva Peron. Evita Peron was a young beautiful woman who was a populist of rare genius.

She was considered as a symbol of social justice for the “descamizados” or shirtless urban class. Her charismatic, social concern made her seem as “the most important woman in the world” Clive Foss. Peron’s second wife provided the heart of Peronism; with her organization named as “Evita Peron Foundation” she provided “the best propaganda the country could have.” She gave the poor health assistance; medicine and gifts. Even so; there is a known act of propaganda “pepi to; and his wanted football gift” which showed the greatness and magnitude of the support of Peronism to the people.

Although it may that Ramirez lack of confidence, combined with Peron’s political power that led to his imprisonment in October 1945. It was Eva Peron who triggered the social revolt of the trade-unionists for his release, at the same time it “triggered Peron success of becoming president”- Williamson. In the elections of 1946; Peron won with 300, 000 votes against Jos’e Tamborine becoming the sole president of Argentina. To conclude; there are many different reasons for Juan Domingo Peron rise to power. These include the failure of previous political government, USA protectionism and WWI, Peron’s own ideology, his childhood and life, and his ability to climb the political ladder. However; the main cause for his rise to power was Peron strong relation with Evita Peron.

She was the one that created the image to Peron and the propaganda he needed in order to consolidate the support from the industrialists. Whereas at the same time; Evita was the person who managed to create the necessary social revolt stirring up the entire country for his release from prison and for the elections to take place in 1946.