Analysis Essay A Sustainable Population

Walter’s letter to the editor adopted a strong stance against those who would like to increase our levels of immigration. She adopted a sarcastic tone through out, by bringing up counter arguments and then strongly rebutting them.

The heading “A sustainable population” is indicative of the policy she supports i. e. restriction on number of migrants as a means of avoiding population explosion which would damage our ecology.

She opens by quoting her opposition ” you believe in restricted migrants…

That makes a racist .” Then immediately strongly refutes that statement.

” We… are far from that .” The deliberate use of inclusive language is an attempt to encourage the reader to believe that there are vast numbers, who think as Walter’s does and may also serve to encourage the reader to see themselves as aligned with Walter’s, particularly with the phrase .”.. could lead to more extinction of our flora and fauna.” This may also be seen has an appeal to patriotism; no Australian would like to feel responsible for wiping out any more of our plants and animals life.

Walter’s provides factual information .”.. reality that, apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent…

.” and uses logic in suggesting that size of population that we can sustain. This ration argument is likely to be an appeal in to supporting a stance.

A further counter argument is ” technology will come to the rescue… ” and is again strongly rebutted.

.”.. it hasn’t yet… no signs of doing so… .” Walters belittler’s leaders suggesting that they have ” blind faith” in technology and that they “refuse” to acknowledge the problem reader may be encouraged to look unfavorable on such leaders and their inappropriate policies; not planning for the future.

Walter’s engage in problem solving, suggestion that it is preferable to provide development aid to poor countries rather, simply allow over crowding of such countries to spill over into Australia, such paints a grim picture that if this dose not occur in Australia .”.. become just another example of natural environment exhausted by too many human begins…

.” . This serve to reinforce the appeal to patriotism utilized early.

A clever play on world “populate and perish may arose concern in the reader and encourage them to expect Walter’s contention that supporting a sustainable population.

Walter’s concludes with a further appeal to patriotism “Australia can play a leading role…

providing a living demonstration… environment sustainability.” Which reinforces in the reader’s mind the necessity of restricted immigration.