Analysis Os The Arab Israeli Conflict

Hate. Anger. Confusion. Power. War. All of these are words can be used to describe the Arab-Israeli conflict, but no words have can describe an effective way to solve it.

Since the creation of Israel, a never-ending struggle between the Arabs and Israelis has taken place. This has more than often resulted in violent measures causing countless deaths. Numerous peace talks have been had, but almost all agreements have crumbled. Since the Jews persecution by the Nazis, the Jewish refugees were forced to search for a land to call their home. What better land to chose but land that God had graced upon them from their creation? The land formerly known as Palestine was their choice. The Arabs were angered at the Jews invasion of their land.

The Arabs felt that they had no reason to give up land because of mistreatment of Jews in Europe. This had led to fueled battles for control of towns and cities of Palestine. Britain, who had controlled Palestine at the time, could not control the flaring tempers of the Jews and Arabs. Still feeling the aftermath of WWII, Britain pulled its forces out of Palestine and put it into the hands of the UN. The UN in turn had tried to separate the land into Jewish and Arab states. Arabs believe that placing the Jews in Palestine is an exertion of power by the western nations.

I do not believe it was an exertion of power as much as he UN was just trying to find the Jews a home. It was a stupid move to place them in Palestine, and the UN knew that Arabs would be outraged, but they persisted to place the Jews on Arab territory. The UN may have been trying to do good, but they needed to think things through before they make decisions like this. I assume that the UN knew that these two groups could not live together in peace, desperately needed a home for the Jews. With good intentions, they placed two groups together that would wage war from then on until now. Even now, it cannot be seen when the fighting will conclude.

No matter the plan, the Arabs refused to give up any land to the Jews. In spite of this, in May of 1948, the Jews announced the creation of Israel in the land that was set-aside for the Jews by the UN. The Arabs saw it as another display of the western nations dominant power over the Middle East. This triggered the Arabs nations to vow the destruction of Israel. They had declared war, but Israel had successfully defended itself against the separate military forces of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. This had let Israel add half of the Arab area designated by the UN to its claim.

Over half a million Arabs were thrown out of Palestine because of this first Arab-Israeli war. This was only the beginning of three more pointless wars fought. All these wars have still not solved the problem, and will never. Israeli, French, and British forces established another war when they attacked Egypt in 1956. This was due to Egypt’s nationalization of the Suez Canal. The third war in 1967 had lasted only 6 days.

This war however had showed some major expansion from the gains of territory by Israel. Israeli forces had engulfed the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, as well as the West Bank. The Arabs retaliated in an attempt to regain its loses of land. This partially successful attack took place in 1973, which was halted by a cease-fire from the UN. This conflict was not a closed event.

Many other countries were also involved. The US had supported Israel, supplying arms and economic help. The Cold War had ensued the Soviets to back the Arabs also with arms and economic help. Although the stakes were high, the US and Soviet Union firmly backed a side in the Middle Eastern conflict. I believe that the Jews living in Palestine after WWII was a mistake to begin with. The UN is not the supreme authority of the world.

The UN has no right to tell people where to live and where not to live. The UN is to help torn and struggling people, but is has no right to control anything. For the most part, The Arabs were living peacefully until a moronic decision was made for the Jews to move into someone else’s land because it was “given” to them by God. It’s ironic that the Jews wanted no claim to Palestine until they were victimized by the Nazis. As soon as maltreatment took place, the Jews had a claim to the land that was thousands of years old. A claim that stood dormant for some reason only until it was needed.

All of a sudden, God had claimed that land for the Jews. It may have said in the Old Testament that the Jews land was Palestine, but the Jews had left for thousands of years. I believe this was an excuse to reclaim land that they desperately need to live on. What better land to claim, than land that is said to be theirs in their holy book. No matter the peace talks, the common people will keep fighting until they come to a realization.

Agreements can be made but the people will not be happy until they see the enemy exterminated, or so they think. I believe that the only way to make peace is to wait until the Arabs and Israelis realize that they have been fighting and murdering each other for decades and have come to no end. They must realize that they have lost brethren and waged war for so long for what? Nothing has been accomplished. War will never accomplish anything. It shows a victor for a period of time, but tensions will not settle. These Arabs and Israelis are willing to fight to the death, but they don’t grasp the fact that their sacrifice will have no effect in the long run.

The fact of the matter is that if the Arabs and Israelis don’t realize this irrational way of death, then as long as the two groups exist, death and destruction will never cease. Peace is a vague thing in the Middle East and is not likely to be accomplished anytime soon. Peace talks are a start towards peace, and efforts are being made, but no effect will take place until the common people on the front lines come to an agreement. Until they are content with the circumstances, don’t expect changes to be made. The Arabs and Israelis need to solve things for themselves. The US and other countries should not be interfering with problems that cannot be solved by us.

All we can do is hope that comprehension of peace between the two forces is accomplished soon.