Animal Farm Animals Pigs Napoleon

by George Orwell is a novel that takes place on a farm in the English countryside. Animal Farm is a novel that presents angry animals rebelling against man so that they can all be equal, free, and live a good life. Two themes that apply to this novel are be careful what you wish for and do not be a follower. Old Major, an old wise pig, had a dream. The dream was about animals rebelling against man so that they would be free and all equal.

Old Major taught the animals a song called “Beasts of England.” The song is about all animals being free and equal. When Old Major died the pigs were immediately accepted as the leaders because pigs are supposed to be the smartest and cleverest animal. The pigs made seven commandments for all animals to live by that reflected off of what Old Major said in his dream. When the pigs became leaders they got to do what ever they wanted to do.

While the animals worked in the harvest, the pigs did not, they watched and supervised. Boxer was the hardest working animal; he always tried to please the pigs. Boxer’s slogan was “I will work harder.” Snowball and Napoleon never agreed at the meetings on Sundays. Napoleon took Jessie’s puppies away to “educate” them.

The pigs were always cheating the animals. The pigs would always get more food than the other animals. Squealer would always come up with some way to explain to the animals that the pigs needed it. The pigs would always tell the animals that if they didn’t do their duties then Jones would come back.

Messages were sent by pigeons that Jones, men from Fox wood, and men from Pinch field were going to attempt to take over Animal Farm. The battle was called the Battle of Cowshed, and the animals were victorious. A brass medal was given out to Snowball and Boxer for military decorations. At the Sunday meetings Snowball and Napoleon couldn’t agree on anything and were having violent debates. Napoleon and the nine dogs drove snowball off the farm. The animals decided to build a windmill, which Snowball was in favor of.

Soon Sunday meetings came to an end after Snowball was driven off the farm. The animals were being treated worse as time went on. On Sundays it was strictly voluntary to work, but those who didn’t had their food rations cut in half. Napoleon announced that he was going to start trading with other farms. The pigs moved into the house and slept on beds, which broke a commandment so Squealer changed the commandment. When the windmill was half built it was ruined by a storm, which was blamed on Snowball.

The animals decided to rebuild the windmill but this time build it with thicker walls so it would not fall down. During the Battle of Cowshed, the windmill was destroyed again but by Jones and some men instead. Lots of animals died in the battle. While Boxer was working he hurt himself by splitting one of his hoofs. Napoleon sent Boxer to a “hospital” but it was really a place where he would be slaughtered. On Sundays pigs were now aloud to wear green ribbons on their tales.

Napoleon now taught the sheep to say four legs good, two legs better. The pigs now walked on two legs just like humans. At the end of the novel there was no difference between the pigs and humans. Boxer is a strong horse. He is caring but not very intelligent. All the animals respected him.

Boxer believed whatever Napoleon told him. Boxer got up extra hours early to work to get the windmill done. When Boxer got hurt he was killed for extra money so that Napoleon could buy whisky. Old Major was a wise old pig. He was an award winning pig. Old Major was well respected by all the animals.

He came up with the term animalism. He shared his dream with the other animals but died before the rebellion took place. Old Major wanted all animals to be free and happy. Snowball was a pig that got driven off the farm by napoleon and nine dogs. Snowball was a very clever animal. He could read, write, and climb a ladder.

He had many good ideas. He was blamed for every bad thing that happened to Animal Farm by Napoloen. “The animals attempted to created a utopia for themselves, a perfect world where they could rule themselves. In trying to do so, the world they created made their lives worse off than under the human.” This statement is true because the animals worked much harder, longer, and got less food than when Jones was there.

When work on Sundays was strictly voluntarily and the animals did not work they would half reduce their rations because they did not work. Mr. Pilkington congratulated Napoloen on the “low rations, the long working hours, and the general absence at pampering which he observed on Animal Farm. I though Animal Farm was a great book.

The novel was easy to read and understand. I think it is amazing that the author could put so much meaning into a book. I thought it was great how he related it to the communism in Russia.