I have chosen the topic of amongst adolescents for my reasearch project. By Meri am Webster Medical Dictionary definition, the term eating disorder is defined by the following; Eating Disorders: Psychological disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia) charachterized by gross disturbances of eating behavior. Anorexia Nervosa: Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder which is charachterized by self-starvation. Contrary to popular belief anorexics do eat every day even involving forbidden foods such as ice cream, candy, desserts.
Generally only they only eat small amounts of food or s everly restrict themselves to the foods which are safe to eat. A typical daily caloric intake of 600-800 calories or less is seen. Excercise is important to lose weight too. Most anorexics dont see how thin they are becoming. Their distorted body image sees them as gaining weight. Death can occur due to kidney or heart failure from malnutrition.
Bulimia People with bulimia are involved in a binge-purge cycle of trying to control their weight and food intake. Bulimia is charachterized by eating large amounts of food in a short period of timer, often foods which are forbidden or bad. Guilt soon follows which results in an attempt to purge the food and calories from the body. Not all bulimics will vomit. Some will use laxatives or excessive exercising. As with anorexia, depression and withdrawl occur and bulimia can result in deat if untreated.
Compulsive Overeating Many people eat in response to emotional, not physical hunger. Compulsive over eaters often feel a void in their lives. This void leaves them to feel empty and in turn they will eat to fill the emptiness and choose comfort foods to fill the hunger. Compulsive overate rs can be at risk fo developing bulimia, having low self-esteem, and gaining additional weight can decrease self = esteem even more. One study showed that obesity in eleven year old girls has doubled since 1960 with an increase among adolescents. This obsession with slimness is causing girs as young as 9 years old to go on diets..