Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa Essay

Anorexia Nervosa generally affects 1% of female adolescence in the United States, which is about 1 in 100 women. The patient’s ages range for 10 to late 20’s, even though there have been reports of patients as young as 6 and old as 76. Anorexic patients are typically eager to please and strive for perfection. They may fear growing up, often feel stressed, and may have low tolerance for change.

Anorexia Nervosa patients’ fear weight gain or the idea of becoming fat.

They have a distorted body image. They may also go to the extremes of dieting and overexertion in physical activities. They may feel that since they want everything to be perfect that this is the way to be like what society wants them to be, thin.

4% of college age women are diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa, which is about 4 in every 100 women. Bulimic patients usually have anxiety, a form of depression, and adequately they normally depend on family for help and yet affirm that they are independent.

Bulimia Nervosa patients have reoccurring episodes of binge eating the purging (expelling “the waste”).

They deprive themselves of food for a period of time, which leads to hunger, and then to powerful cravings that are uncontrollable. All bulimic patients have a lack of control in overeating during their binge eating. Since they feel a loss of control in their life they may feel that this is the one thing that they can control their weight.

10% of males have either bulimia or anorexia. Various types of people that may develop anorexia or bulimia are wrestlers, cheerleaders, runners, entertainers, models and even male homosexuals.