Are We A Nation Of Animal Lovers

Although many of us think we are, I personally disagree that we are a nation of animal lovers. A lot of us immediately think of cute, sweet happy creatures when the word animal is said. This is probably true but do we treat them the way they should be? Fox Hunting is a good example of the way many people mistreat animals, killing foxes for a sport. In my honest opinion this is cruel and unnecessary. The dogs a trained to give a quick bit at the fox’s neck, and even if this is painless the fox is dead. The Dogs are also mistreated, hunters use then to kill the fox when they could be treated much more fairly.

I say, if it’s banned in Scotland why not in England? I also think some people keep some pets at home when they belong in their natural habitats. For example, a know a couple of people who keep snakes or mountain animals like sheep or goats; although they may be used to living in a home I think they should live in whatever country or wherever they are supposed to live in. I hate the idea of Bear-Dancing in place like India because it is not dancing it just the bear trying to get free from torture and staring people. Can you image being tied up in the most horrific way, being stared out then your owner get the ‘credit’ and the money and then being kept locked up when you are not working? My conclusion to this is that maybe people shouldn’t just think about them and other people, maybe animals as well..