Audience Analysis Evaluation Argument Make

Trevor Miller Eng 1010 Audience Analysis Worksheet As you thoughtfully respond to these prompts and questions, try to keep in mind that you are giving me a map for understanding your audience; in fact, your analysis will serve as a guide assisting me to assess the effectiveness of your writing in a “real life” situation to a specific and unique person / group of persons. The audience response will get you thinking about your audience and their needs. 1. Describe your intended audience.

The paper is intended to be an advocate to promote the Simpsons. Many parents are against allowing their kids to watch it; therefore, I focused it on the average American parent. 2. Explain the situation in which you came to learn (or came to believe) that your audience wants or needs to hear your evaluation.

In my personal experience, I have seen that many parents do not understand the depth of the cartoon series and the morals and issues it teaches. When they understand this, they will be better able to make the decision of whether or not they allow their children to watch. 3. Why do you care? What is your motive? What is in it for you? Growing up I was not permitted to view this program, however, once my parents understood what it was all about they not only allowed us to watch it but they joined us and it became quality family time. I want this understanding and compromise to be enjoyed but other families. 4.

Why will your audience find your evaluation important to their lives? Will your suggestion help them through a tough time? Fulfill a task? Fix a problem? Avoid something? Explain. We all have to learn many big lessons in life and many of them do not have desirable consequences if we make a wrong decision. In watching someone else make those mistakes we can see how we should do it when the situation arises. The Simpsons shows many situations in which people have and will make mistakes. In being able to relate ourselves to the characters, we can learn more about our selves and our paths that we must choose in life. 5.

What do they already know about you? There is a stereotype about young people my age. This is that they are reckless and irresponsible. They may even blame this on the television programs we watch. They know that the mass media around us is a major influence on us.

6. What counter argument can you anticipate from your audience? How will they see the evaluation and your argument? The main argument will be that of degrading slander and frequent use of inappropriate language. I am addressing these as normal issues people face everyday in society. They are not looked down on in movies or music so why should we over emphasize the fact that they are being used on television. 7. What expectations does your audience have of an evaluation? How do they expect to be addressed? What sort of language or tone are they used to? Most audiences look for a non-bias evaluation so they can make the conclusion themselves.

They want clear facts and some commentary on which to base their decision. The more clearly one words the evaluation and the more polite the evaluator is, the more they will like the evaluation. 8. What kinds of things do you plan to avoid telling or revealing to your audience? Why? I will avoid mentioning too much of the negative character of the program because this will set a negative over-tone for the article. Instead, I am choosing to focus on the positive nature of it. I will avoid telling them many facts of the show, as they are not pertinent to the point I am tying to make.

10. What character, credibility, or experience will you try to project to your audience? How will you present yourself to them? What sort of tone and argument are they likely to find the most compelling? Why? Trying to persuade the audience to see my opinion as valid, I am going to use an authoritative argument and tone but at the same time, I do not want to sound as if my opinion is the only right option. If the argument is sympathetic, they will be more willing to reach a compromise on their preconceived conclusion. 11. How will you attempt to appeal to your audience’s emotions or sense of identity to strengthen your purpose? I will use an empathetic counterargument to show that there are other views and this may directly relate to the individual reader. Many of the issues addressed affect parents of young children.

In addressing their needs and desires to protect their children, they may feel that the article is for them personally and that they need to consider the point more carefully. 12. How do you expect your readers to react to your evaluation? I hope that the reader will have a more informed point of view and a less bias opinion against the topic. Not necessarily that they change but that they understand and not spread the former negative image.

13. What do you want your readers to think of you? What do you expect or fear they might think of you? In relating this television series to our everyday lives, I am hoping to give the reader the impression that I am aware of the world around me. In addition, I am aware of the way the media portrays our society today. I am taking a situation which some may view as negative or off-color and using it to improve my life as well as understanding the society in which we all live.