Dear Editor, I strongly believe that having immigrants come to Australia illegally, without using the proper channels, is utterly wrong. Why should Australia be left with such a burden? Being a migrant myself, I have nothing against LEGAL immigrants. However, I do have a problem with people from other countries thinking they can come and live here in Australia, illegally. What makes them and me so different? I came to Australia through the proper channels; I paid money to live here, I even had to wait a few months to be accepted. So why cant they? Many people in Australia are suspicious of , (who are also known as the ‘boat people’) because of what is happening around the world with terrorism. How do Australians know these illegal migrants are not terrorists or suicide bombers? It is only natural to have people on their feet and alert over what is happening around them? What benefit do these illegal immigrants give to Australian people and Australian society? If they cannot even afford to come here via the proper channels, who knows what ‘benefit’ they will provide us.
They could end up on the dole and rely on taxpayers’ money to support them. I really do not think other countries are attacked with as many illegal immigrants as Australia has, and I am pleased to hear that actions are being taken to deal with them. We could as Australians say, aren’t we suppose to be the friendly, decent and democratic people that the Prime Minister and the rest of us are so proud of? However, I would be more than happy to accept immigrants coming to Australia legally. Despite this, I believe illegal immigrants are a waste of taxpayers’ money, time, energy and resources! Opinionated.