16 December 2002 Authorship Controversy It’s still one of the most thought about topics of today’s world and its been 200 years so tell me something is the real author of his works? There is much controversy that William Shakespeare was the real author vs. William Shakespeare was not truly the writer of such great works. Most academics agree that William Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare. Evidence for this comes from the Parish records that back up his birth in 1564, and records of his life in London in the 1600 s, his name as a part shareholder of the Globe, his marriage certificate, his application to change his family’s coat of arms, and his death record in 1616. In the 1623 book First Folio consisted of 36 plays by William Shakespeare recording and publishing them for the first time. In the First Folio John Hemming es and Henry Connell state: “His mind and hand went together and what he thought, he uttered with that easiness that we have scarce received from him a blot in his papers.” This gives a good example on how Shakespeare was viewed by two gentleman who had a strong belief in him.
“Only about a third of all the plays printed in the 1590 s named the author on the title page, and a significant portion of these were the Shakespeare quartos late in the decade. (Pressley, J. M, Shakespeare Resource Center: web ). Joseph Hart clearly states: “The authorship of the plays is no otherwise material to us, than the matter of curiosity, and to the enable us to render exact justice; but they should be assigned to Shakespeare alone, if at all.” (Hart, Joseph. Authorship Controversy: web). This refers back to Shakespeare’s plays and its saying who are we to judge him on things that no one knew it better than himself.
Another side to this debate is that William Shakespeare is not the author. The Stratfordian’s argue that his works were inaccurate and that they proposed that Edward De Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford had something to do with it. Edward De Vere is known to have composed, directed, and acted in plays around the same time as Shakespeare. He is also to have graduated from Cambridge University at age 14, becoming master of arts when he was 16.
He had a strong interest in learning and a love for people. In The Merchant of Venice a piece that talked about law came from a previous experience at Gray’s Inn by De Vere. Account books have given the impression that Edward De Vere had an extensive library underlining his qualifications to write as skillfully as Shakespeare. “Furthermore only Edward De Vere fits the historical assertion in sonnet 125 that Shakespeare “bore the canopy” over Queen Elizabeth in her victory celebration over the defeat of the Spanish Armada. (Wells, Charles. Authorship Controversy: web).” He was nicknamed “Spear-shaker” due to of his ability at both of his tournaments and because his coat of arms featured a lion holding a spear.
Last, my opinion I agree that William Shakespeare was truly the real author. William is such a awesome guy and the love for him really does make him shine. In Hamlet, for example Hamlet has a challenge to decide whether or not will seek revenge for the death of his father, King Hamlet. He suffers this because it changes his life drastically and causes him to do things.
This all refers to Shakespeare’s life in a way because he suffered from critics by not believing him that he really did write his works. He brings some of his own life’s experiences into his works. He was just a typical man in society trying to make a living writing and directing plays. There are a lot of critics that will argue that William Shakespeare doesn’t deserve the authorship, furthermore there is essentially no real evidence that he didn’t write them.
In Conclusion, this battle for authorship has led to agreements and to self opinions. This will still go on and be remembered throughout history and the question that will be asked is who wrote Shakespeare? This essay has shown both sides to William Shakespeare and my opinion has been expressed as well.