Meeting the witches, with Banquo, three prediction After the death of Macdonald, who I have killed, along with his rebellion forces on the battlefield, the memory of my sword! yen which smoked with bloody execution! |, with all the blood from his evil head, and all the others is still with me. Now, I shall go back to the King of Scotland, to see him and receive his honours, of my major achievements. As I was on my way, not so far from the battlefield, I saw three shadows upon a! yen blasted heath! |, where no plants grew and where the carcases of dead animals lay. It seemed the evil was coming, again from hell. A strong, sharp, cold wind blew as the shadows moved, however Banquo and I were ready, to fight back and not to be beaten until the minute of death.
Three shadows moved around a cauldron, which was just above the wood-made fire. As we got closer, we could see those three shadows were old women with black attire. They were whispering amongst themselves, one of them was holding a thumb in one of their hands. We decided to go to them and see what they were.
! yen A drum, drum, and drum, Macbeth doth come. ! | The! yen weird sisters! | were hand in hand as I came to the front of the cauldron. ! SSYou are unlike anybody on the earth. !” Banquo said. ! SS What are you? !” I asked. In this part of the country, witches as ever were mysterious, no one knew how strong they were, or what powers they had, or if they were enemies or allies.
By seeing the human thumb which was covered in blood, it must have caused pain and cost a life. What magical powers did these witches have? How did these three witches get hold of a man! |s thumb? What do they need a thumb for? These questions all went around in my mind. I was starting to worry. ! Shall hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor. That shalt be king thereafter, !” they predicted. I felt as if I had fallen into a black hole and my empty brain could do absolutely nothing.
My brain froze and my mind disappeared to a far off place. I sat on the ground as if I were King. My power was great and infinite. All the Scottish forces belonged to me and they would all fight for the ambition I have. ! SS Why do you start to fear? Things do sound so fair? – I am the name of truth. Indeed, these are just ideas.
You greet him this noble having and royal hope. But to me, you don! |t speak so true. If you can look into the seed, and know which grain will grow and which will not, then speak to me, what will happen to me? !” Banquo retorted. He did not seem to believe much about these, as it did not make much sense to him at all. ! SS Hail, your descendants will be kings where you will not! K!” the three replied! SS Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.
By Sine l! |s death, I know I am Thane of Glamis, but how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives. !” I said, ! SSyou strange intelligence. Speak, I charge you. !” Behind my face, I can! |t see the way, what should I think of this, it is too confusing. If they speak true, I will be king.
Or, Banquo! |s decedents will also be king, what is the idea behind this? How would they be king as I live, or in other words, what will happen between me and them? And what to my children? The witches! | ambiguity beckoned my questioning of them. There was nothing worse than only knowing half of my future, and not knowing the other half. I stared straight at them and waited for the answer to all these problems. Before I finished, or perhaps when I was thinking, they had vanished into the air! K Everything looked different, the plants had grown and the animals were alive, the fire had gone as the cauldron had disappeared.
Nothing was seen by either of us, the only thing which was left over was the strange prediction. Meeting Banquo! |s ghost at the Banquet How were my men doing? Well, I hoped. The witches spoke true. I was now the king of all. But, what would then happen? If they were speaking the truth, then Banquo! |s children would take over the throne. This would be awful.
It would be disgraceful and illogical. And, this horrified me. I had no choice, I had to take lives. They were no longer my friends but my enemies. Two trustworthy men called me who I could rely on. ! SSI welcome you all, to this banquet, you all know your rank, please do sit.
!” I stayed in the hall, as the meal started. Everything seemed to be going well during the meal, but this was not concern, my only worry was Banquo and his child! |s death. I would use all my faith to pray this deed would be done, for the good of my lady and myself. See, here he is, the murderer of mine deed. I slipped away to the door and hear from him.
! SS There! |s blood upon thy face, !” I warned him. ! SS This was all from Banquo! |s throat. I put him under! yen twenty trenched gashes! |, make his death made of nature. !” He says.
! SS But Fleance escaped. !” I thanked him so much for his deed as Fleance was not a current threat. He was too young to do any harm. Without his father, I was saved.
I sent him away as my wife called me back to the table. Once I returned, I saw someone sitting in my seat. Nobody was supposed to be there. The dead bloody-faced Banquo appeared. Why on earth did this bloodied man appear here? ! Say, and a bold one, that dare look on that which might appeal the devil.
!” I shouted and cursed at him, everyone else was just looking at the vacant seat occupied by Banquo. He unnerved me. I commanded him to speak although he never did. My wife cursed me. I tried to put myself back in place and get some wine to calm myself down. But he returned again.
I just could not stop myself from getting stirred up and I gave him a toast with my guests, in public, with violent language to command him to leave this place. More or less, my wife was keeping the banquet going as long as she could, in the hope that I would calm down, but as soon as Ross asked! yen What sight! | to me after Banquo! |s finally away, she interrupted me before I could even answer it and broke into the gathering at once, to prevent the goings on from being heard by the guests. ! SS Blood will have blood!” I was in a circle of murder. One day, I will have blood of my own smothered on my face, where I will then suffer. ! SS Returning was as tedious as going. !” I was now being pushed, so was my kingdom.
I shall to go see the weird sisters, more shall they speak, as I am craved to know. Fighting with Macduff I shall fight until I am the last man, no matter; whether I am defeated or not. I murdered Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff and her son, so why not Macduff. They were all! yenborn of woman! |, who could never kill me as this is what the witches said.
My wife left when my army deserted me! There was nothing left except my life, where I had nothing to fear. This battle would fashion my destiny. Now, I was finally face to face with my enemy. Macduff telling me that he was pulled from his mothers! | womb and this meant he was not properly! yenborn of woman! |. He carved me up with his bloodied sword. My life flashed before my eyes and I collapsed on the floor only to expire..