Batter My Heart Donne God Sunne

Key Terms: Main points: Significant quotes: Hyperbole- a far-reaching exaggeration Metaphysical- coined by Jon Dryden: poets sought to explain abstract concepts in order to make sense of the world. Conceit- A form of extended metaphor. A scholarly comparison between two things. Syllogism- A form of cyclic reasoning used in philosophy.

Sonnet- lyric poetry with a 14-line structure. Paradox- A statement which initially seems absurd but on closer examination proves to be true and logical. Critical response: Ben Johnson criticised Donne’s work for being ‘over intellectual’. Leishman claimed that Donne’s best work had a balance of intellect and passion. T.

S. Eliot praised Donne for being able to play around with and idea like a cat plays with a mouse. Context: (1572-1631) – time of Elizabeth I and James I An age of geniuses: Ben Johnson, Donne, Newton, Shakespeare. o The poetry before Donne ect, was extremely flowery o Learning during the period was valued as were culture and the arts. Personal: o Fierce and staunch catholic o Persona of Jack Donne – At (31) Married Anne Moore (17) without her father’s permission.

– At (42) converted to the Church of England for professional success. Busi e old fool e, unruly Sunne, Why dost thou thus, – The Sunne Rising The way in which the speaker address the sun, incredibly revered in Donne’s time, shows a blasphemous attitude. All honor’s mimi que; All wealth alchemie. – The Sunne Rising All wealth is counterfeit compared to the wealth of their relationship. ‘Alchemie’- a reference to scientific fields.

Batter my heart, three person’d God; – Batter my heart Immediately sets the tone for the piece- a remorseful cry to God. Take mee to you, imprison mee, – Batter my heart The speaker is begging God to kidnap him from the state of unholiness he is now in. – There is nothing Donne can do to get into heaven, he needs God to help him. Guardian angeles doe – The Relique Donne and his mistress loved in an order so high it was likened to that of Guardian angels. Our hands ne ” er touch the seales, – The Relique ‘seales’- social conventions. Donne’s wife was only 17 when they married..