Bianca Cassio Emilia Relationship

The first women that I will discuss is Bianca. Bianca would be known as a modern day prostitute. By analyzing her relationship with Cassio, it seems as though Bianca really wanted to have some sort of relationship with him. An example of this is in scence 3, act 4. It begins as Desdemona and Emilia exit as Bianca enters.

Bianca begins to question Cassio about his whereabouts. “Bianca: ‘Save you, friend Cassio! Cassio: What make you from home? How is’t with you, my most fair Bianca? (I’faith, ) sweet love was coming to your house. Bianca: And I was going to your lodging, Cassio. What, keep a week away? Seven days and nights, Eightscorce eight hours, and lovers ” absent hours More tedious than the dial eightscorce times? O weary wrecking! Cassio: Pardon me, Bianca. I have this while with this leaden thoughts been pressed, But I shall in a more continuate time Strike off this source of absence.

Sweet Bianca, Take me this work out.” (page 165 lines 190- 204) It is then that Cassio gives Bianca a “token” of his love. Upon receiving this “token”, Bianca becomes highly offended. She then a cusses Cassio of having anohter lover. I find this very hard to believe. How could Bianca of all people have the nerve to question someone’s loyalty, when it is her lack of loyalty that earns her money. The relationship between Bianca and Cassio is purely physical.

Their relationship would fit the general stereotype, that women are only good for one thing. An example of this, lack of care, is when Iago and Cassio are talking about the relationship between Cassio and Bianca. “Iago: She gives it out that you shall marry her. Do you intend? Cassio: Ha, ha, ha!” (page 179 lines 135-136) ” Cassio: I marry (her? ) What a customer? Prithee bear some charity to my wit! Do not think it so unwholesome. Ha, ha, ha!” (page 179 line 140) In the end we never find out what becomes of Bianca. However we can assume that she continues her lifestyle.

Whether or not that includes Cassio is left a mystery, only Shakespeare knew what became of them. Emilia would be a very difficult character to evaluate. Throughout the book you see her personality come out. Emilia seems to be a very rebellious person in a sense. Of all the women she seems to be the one with the most intelligence. Emilia has experienced more in her lifetime.

She is begining to understand her role as a wife towards her lord (husband). This is act 4, scence 3, where Emilia is talking to Desdemona about husbands. ” Yet we have some revenge. Let husbands know Their wives hva e sense like them. They see, and smell, And have thier palates both for sweet and sour, As husbands have. What is it they do When they change us for oh ters? Is it sport? I think it is.

And doth affection breed it? I think it doth. Is’t fraility that thus errs? It is so too. And have not we affections, Desires for sport, and fraility, as men have?” (page 217 line 104-113). By just reading this short passage, you can tell the kind of character Shakespere intended for Emilia to be. In my personal opinion, Shakespeare wanted to keep the readers in anxiety about the relationship between Emilia and Iago.

As you read the story, you get the idea that Emilia has to fight to get her husband’s attention, or you could even say his approval. However by the end of the story she pays for her personality trial with her life. It wasn’t till the end of the story when she realized that her mistress was dead, her own folly in loving her husband and seeking his approval.