Biff Search For Is True Identity

The character biff in “Death of a salesman” by Arthur miller is the character with the most interesting part in the story. Biff is one of Willy loan two sons and the most favorite of the two. Willy took so much interest in biff because he see biff as one who has a lot to offer to the family, and he never saw happy as one who could make me a contribution to the family. Biff had a lot of things going on for him when he was in high school. He was the star of the football team in his high school, has scholarships to three college, and he was liked by most people. As a young man Biff had lots of respect and admiration for his dad due to the stories which Willy told his kids about how he was been liked by people he dealt with in his line of business.

Because of the respect and admiration he had for his he looked up to his dad and wanted to be like him. He was absolutely obsessed with pleasing his father, who was flawless in his eyes. An example of this is on page 1223 when he had a football game and he promised he was going to score a touchdown for his dad “biff: this Saturday, pop, this Saturday – just for you I’m going to break through for a touchdown.” Willy gave biff a force impression about himself (biff), made him think that as long as you are liked by people there is nothing one cannot achieve. Things took a big turn around when biff failed math, has to take summer class, but he travels to Boston to meet his dad and see if his dad can talk to the math teacher. He gets to Boston and finds out his dad is having an affair with another woman.

He then realized that Willy wasn’t the great man he thought he was and he looses all respect and admiration for his father. At this point biffs dream to become a successful which actually was his dad dream was shattered. He never had a dream for himself but was only concerned with fulfilling his father’s wishes. He went back to school, burnt his sneakers which had the university of Virginia on it and refused to go to summer school.

He did this to get rid of the dreams which his dad had for him since he knew he dad was a fake. He also used this as a way of getting back at his father because he knew his dad wanted him to go to college, and be a successful salesman. This is where biffs quest for his true identity begins because he never knew who he really was. Had to find between what his dad had made him to be and what he really was. Biff conflict with finding out who he was, is strongly attributed to Willy. Biff left home at the age of nineteen in search of a better job but drifts from place to place and never finds a better job.

He is presently thirty four years old and works as a farmhand. He comes back home during spring springs because he doesn’t know what he was doing with his life. He finds out that Willy has some delusional problem and also thinking of committing suicide. Biff is blamed for most part of his dad’s problem.

Willy’s problem has to do with the fact that he had always dreamt of biff been incredibly successful in the business but which is not the case. Biff tell his dad that he and happy are going to start a sporting business and he was gong to ask Bill Oliver (somebody biff had once worked for) for some money in other to start the business. He goes to see Oliver and it was at the point that he encounters his epiphany moment. He get to oliver’s office, steals a pen and on his way rushing down the stairs he suddenly stop.

This is where he finally finds his true identity which is been thief (page 1278, biff: willy! I ran down eleven flights with a pen in my hand today – I stopped in the middle of the building and I saw the sky-and I looked at myself and said to myself what the hell am I grabbing this for). I think at this point biff finally find out who is true self is. Biff search for his identity.