Have a peak to a clear (ed) mind. Subject matter: The house of your dreams… aaa, 3 yellow toilets, aaa… one kitchen, a big, big… big gggg bed with a quite big big heart on the top of it… aaa.
(M. B 21 years old, libidinal pre- adolescent issues) This kind of descriptive molasses of black & white thoughts… with yellow toilets, appears in cases particularly personal projections. “If required to express opinions of general interest such as truth, happiness, freedom, 3 rd world situation etc.
will promptly deliver according to ones status, culture, education from the most sublime clich’e ideas of the breading group to the right quotation, of the right book, right author, for ones paradigm.” (Tractatus Logic Coloraticus) doT Doc I think I have a problem? … I see all these overwhelming beautiful colors- that give me various fuzzy thoughts, confusing unstructured ideas… inner whirling emotions, unexplainable head ache. So tell me Doc will I see in the right way soon? Typical case of Coloris melanjatum Remedy: 2 daily concentrated dozes of objectivity in contemporaneous moulds, weekly electric socks of 2/20 cultural watts connected to the System, one glass of warm milk, rigorous brain wash before going to bed (guarantee for a good sleep).
Avoid contact with colored areas of contagious colored people. In case of secondary effects of nausea or depression, simply stuff your forefinger in the throw of your brain and puke all the disturbing extra colors. You may lose parts of you personality or conscience but we guarantee an only black & white recovery in short time. With perseverance and belief in a color- off diet the patient shows a serene yet serious happiness that can give nice pinky-pale shades to ones back & white world.
doC& friends recommendation Haven’t begun the treatment yet. Have a peak to a fuzzy Coloris melanjatum unclear (ed) mind Subject matter: The house of your dreams (AA 21 years – ego-agoraphobia issues, and vacillating temperament) My house will surely reflect my way of being… large opened windows to all sun airy fragrances, full contact with the sky, so I can simply stand to have my head in my private 7 cloudy-clouds, solid foundation- to feel the core-earth and roots growing, secure door. One has to earn the key of my house door with enjoying extroverted tactics, originality and long term trust investment.
Interior design: free personal choice… Compulsory criteria: 3 S. C – Shape &Color in the name of Simplicity &Space At optional request: a dog, hog, carrots &parrots, peaches, fishes… MORAL: Before b& w treatment: My dear friend doT come and visit me sometimes. I leave you the key under the my 7 th pinkazurly cloud… After:.