Book Movie Gene Finny

This is an essay about the three main differences in the movie of ASP and the book of ASP. It will go over and describe the differences of them both The movie had several differences in it compared to the book. Overall they were the same, just small things were different and these small things will be described in this essay. The movie of ASP and the book were pretty much the same. They just had a few different actions by the characters.

One of the first things I noticed was when Finny broke the swimming record in the book. In the movie instead of breaking the swimming record Finny broke the polvolting record in the gym. This was a small difference but very noticeable. The second thing I noticed different between the was the way Finny treated gene when he came to the infermery to see him after the second break. In the book finny was nice and talked to gene. In the movie as soon as Finny saw Gene coming in to see him he started yelling at him, so Gene ran back out and stayed away.

That was the second thing. The third thing I noticed about the movie and the book was after the first break of Finny, Gene went to the but room after returning to school from break. In the book Gene didn’t have time to smoke a cig because he had a test he had to get to. In the movie it showed Gene smoking one in the but room before he left for the test. So he did smoke in the movie just not in the book.

That is the three different things I myself noticed different between the movie and the book of ASP. There are a few more but those are the most noticeable. Although these differences do not change any major thing in the story, they are important to know about. Those were the main differences between he book and the movie of ASP.