Breast Feeding In The Work Place During Question Time

Persuasive piece “whether or not should be allowed in the work place during question time”

This issue is concerning the parliament whether or not breast feeding should be allowed in the workplace during question time. This was raised by Kirstie Marshall, a new labor MP.

Ms Marshall was ejected by the sergeant-at-arms because of the parliamentary rule that does not recognize “strangers” or unelected members in the house. Kirstie had to deal with a hungry baby and she “whacked her on her breast” thinking that it was a natural mother hood procedure not knowing the impact it was going to cause.

I personally believe that breast feeding is one of life’s most touching natural occurrences; it is a beautiful gift that has been a part of life for many years.

Women should have the right to provide for their babies as a mother and should not be excluded from any work place of employment. I feel that this is a discriminating act for women in the work force.

People should commend the fact that mothers are able to sustain professional care as well as full filling their obligations for their child / children .

Parliament sitting hours need to become more family friendly.

Can’t you see how hypocritical this is, the government allocates money to breast feeding, so this whole issue is going against what the government has promoted.

Ejecting a mother from parliament, due to breast feeding is violating human rights, the human rights of babies and the human rights of mothers. I thought Australia was a progressive society. It seems to me inconceivable that a baby should not be fed when it needs to be fed. We were all babies once and we all know the feeling of being hungry and wanting food, you want it straight away just like a baby would. The baby shouldn’t have to wait 10 minutes or half an hour until the mother is allowed to feed.

Why should breast feeding be banned if it’s a natural act of life?

A women shouldn’t be made to feel she is doing something ‘wrong’ or ‘dirty’, it all comes down to our societies obsessions with women’s breasts. In other societies women walk around with a baby attached to their breast and no one would even notice. The media use the female breasts to promote all forms of advertising, even to sell cars. We have all become so obsessed that women feel inadequate if they are not a certain size even to the point of requiring implants to feel acceptable.

Today there are more women in the workplace unlike back in the old days women were not meant to work, they were meant to just stay at home and cook, clean, and look after the children, and the men would earn the money to support the family. These days’ men and women work many of the same jobs although women still have to deal with motherhood. There for it’s hard for women to manage caring and nurturing their children as well as holding down a job. The fact that breast feeding is often not permitted or not acceptable in public places and workforce makes it doubly hard for women who are juggling motherhood and work. Especially in today’s society it’s not possible for only one parent to because of the financial demands of today such as house payments, car payments and bills etc.

In the parliament people want politicians who understand everyday life rather then clones who compromise their personal and family development for political promotion.

Indeed a baby could be expected to be much quieter and better behaved than many politicians.

In conclusion, I believe we should all be embracing the beauty of breast feeding and the necessity to feed your baby when it is hungry. Women should not be banned from their workplace of employment for doing something natural and as old as time.