Report The Canadian providence of British Columbia is as beautiful as it is rich in natural resources. First, the two main regions of the providence are the Interior Plains and the many divisions of mountains. The Interior Plains are in the far northeastern part of the land. The chain of mountains are called the Cordilleran Region. The eastern part of the Cordilleran Region are named the Rocky Mountains. A little farther to the east that part of the mountains a renamed the Interior System.
These make up the majority of the mountains. Closer to the Pacific Ocean the mountains take on yet another name, this time it is the Coast Mountains. On the islands of Queen Charlotte Island and Vancouver Island there is a small chain of mountains running along the western coast called the Insular Mountains. Before the Coast Mountains reach the ocean they drop to what is called the Coastal Trough, which is where most of the population lives. The cities of Vancouver and Victoria a relocated in this trough. Victoria is also the capitol of British Columbia.
Forestry in this part of Canada is quite a sizable business. Eventhough it only makes up about 7% of the work force is provides much of the wood products we use. Manufacturing uses about half of the work force in British Columbia which is the group of people that change most of the wood into products that are usable (wood pulp and paper). Construction comes in second with about a quarter of the jobs here. Although fishing only uses a few people out of the work force it brings more revenue than any other providence with its rich fishing waters and streams full of salmon and other bountiful fish. With a population near 3-4 million people British Columbiaisn’t a substantial providence, but it plays an important role among the people of Canada..