Introduction Cancer develops when certain body cells grow uncontrollably. Normal body cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly, systematic way. In an adult stage body, while most body cells divide to replace dying cells and to repair injuries, cancer cells continue to grow and divide instead of dying. They continue to live and to form new abnormal cells. There are many kinds of cancers, but they all start the same way, by out-of control growth of abnormal cells (“What is Cancer?” ). According to “Eating Right to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cancer,” cancer is the second leading cause of death; one in every four deaths in the United States is from cancer.
However, by eating nutritious food, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer (“Eating Right to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cancer”). Nutrition and physical activity both play major roles in the prevention of cancers. This paper will focus on how to prevent risk of cancers by monitoring nutrition intake and physical activity. Background There are both controllable and uncontrollable risk factors that cause cancers. Some uncontrollable factors include genetic and inherited components, like a family history of breast cancer and immune system disorders. A body’s immune factor refers to the natural ability to protect from foreign cells developing in the body.
Examples of immune risk factors are aging and infection (including HIV infection). Environmental factors which are known to cause various cancers consist of exposure to radiation and sun, water, and air pollution. (Whitney 618). Some of these may be controllable. Controllable factors causing cancers include the excessive use of alcohol, use of tobacco, too much use of tanning beds, and over-exposure to sun. Lack of physical activity and bad nutrition also can raise the risk of cancers (Whitney 618).
Let us look at some of bad nutrition that will cause the various cancers? Bad nutrition Fatty acids – Fatty acids can promote cancers. More specifically, linoleic acid and the omega-6 fatty acid of vegetable oils enhance cancer development in some animals (Whitney 618). Dietary fat and Consumption of Red Meat – High-fat diets have been associated with increase in the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum, prostate, and endometrium. Dietary fat may be high risk, determined by the total amount of fat, the particular type of fat (saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated), the calories contributed by fat, or some other factors associated with high-fat foods.
For example, red meat contains saturated fat, which is bad fat. A gram of fat calories is twice as high as a gram of protein or carbohydrates (9 versus 4 cal / gram ). The indicated that “Foods from animal sources remain major contributors of total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol in the American diet.” Although meats are good sources of high protein, vitamins, and minerals, the consumption of red meats has been associated with developing cancers in many studies (colon and prostate). On the other hand, there’s another report associating eating browned meat with breast cancer. The researcher found out that browning or charring meat, especially well done meat, produces potentially cancer-causing chemicals which increase risk for colorectal and stomach cancer. Now breast cancer has joined the list (“Browned Meat and Breast Cancer” 7).
It is still unknown how much meat is risky for cancers. What can we do to avoid this risk? One way is making wise choices in the selection and preparation of animal based foods. Choose lean meat and low-fat dairy products, read food labels for lower saturated fat content, and eat smaller portions of meat as a side dish (“American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention” 7). Now a new study shows that people who eat a lot of red meat are much more likely to get cancers of the stomach and esophagus.
The American Cancer Society reports that more than 20, 000 Americans will get stomach cancer, and over half of those will die (Smith). Alcoholic beverages – Alcohol should be limited to two drinks per day for men and one drink a day for women. A drink of alcohol is defined as 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or 1. 5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits. Alcohol is linked to cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver and breast. Use of tobacco combined with alcohol increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers.
Risk of breast cancer in women can be reduced by limiting alcohol consumption (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 11). Obesity – Obesity is a major risk factor for cancer as well as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. To avoid obesity, we need to maintain a healthy body weight and monitor total intakes of calories. The American diet has high fat, sugar, and refined carbohydrates.
Limiting portion sizes, for instance, the serving size in restaurants exceeds the standard size for the recommended daily caloric intake (Russel 1555). Smoked, Pickled, or Salt-Cured Food – People who eat a lot of heavily smoked, pickled, or salt-cured foods have high risk of stomach cancer. It is due to carcinogenic nitrosamine’s produced in those foods. The United States has better controlled methods of preservation that reduces carcinogens in foods (Whitney 618).
As mentioned, these nutrient may cause and promote various cancer if we consumed too much of it. However, the good news is we have choices to eat numerous good foods. Good nutrition can reduce the risk of cancer. Good Nutrition According to strong scientific evidence, healthy dietary patterns coupled with regular physical activities can reduce risk factors of cancers. In the United States, 35 percent of death by cancer could be avoided by a good nutrition diet. Studies show that people whose diets are high in vegetables and fruits and low in animal fat, meat and calories have less chance of getting most common types of cancer (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 4).
Substitution of Red Meat – It is best to limit consumption of processed red meat, especially those in high fat. Choose fish, poultry, or beans as an alternative to beef, pork, and lamb, select lean cuts, and eat smaller portions. Also, baking, broiling, or poaching is better than frying or charbroiling (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 5). Vegetables and Fruits – Heavy emphasis on plant sources and eating five or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily is a healthy way to begin. A variety of vegetables and fruits should be included at every meal and at snack time. Fresh vegetables are better than fried, such as French fries, snack chips, and other vegetable products.
Also choose 100% fruit or vegetable juice (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 5). It has been shown that broccoli sprouts contain an abundance of cancer fighting phytochemical suforaphane. Another vegetable, tomatoes, is high in lycopene which defends against cancer, particularly against cancers of the esophagus, prostate, and stomach (Whitney 380). Carotene-rich sources of food, such as dark leafy greens like spinach and broccoli, and yellow and deep orange vegetables and fruits, like squash, cantaloupe, carrots, and sweet potatoes, may help lower the risk of lung cancer (Whitney 360 and “American Cancer Society Guidelines” 5). Concerning fruits, apples are rich in flavonoids and may protect against lung cancer. Also, the ella gic acid of strawberries may inhibit certain types of cancer, as well as the limonene of citrus fruits, such as in oranges (Whitney 380).
Studies suggest that another food, garlic, may be helpful in preventing colon cancer (Boyles 2). Whole Grains – Eating whole grain rice, bread, pasta, and cereals is much better for you than refined carbohydrates, like pastries, sweetened cereals, soft drinks, and sugars (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 5). Choose Healthy foods – Choosing foods high in antioxidants is beneficial to overall health. Antioxidants combat the harmful oxidation in the body, which blocks the chain reaction that leads to cell damage.
Also, antioxidants promote a health immune system. The sources of antioxidants are found in various vegetables and fruits previously discussed (Hunter 8). Physical Activities According to scientific evidence, physical activity may be helpful in preventing some types of cancer. Overall regular physical activities help the body to be strong and more able to resist diseases.
Secondly, physical activity accelerates the movement of food through the body, reducing the length of time the body is exposed to mutagens. This is true for colon cancer. For breast cancer, physical activity reduces overexposure of breast tissue to estrogen (hormone), by enabling it to circulate through the body more smoothly (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 8). How much physical activity is enough? “And by participating in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at least 45 minutes on five or more days of the week, individuals may achieve optimal activity levels needed to reduce the risk of developing both breast and colon cancers, as well as several other types of cancer, including kidney, endometrial, and esophageal cancer” (American Cancer Society Guidelines” 8).
Brisk walking is an example of a moderate activity. Swimming, aerobic exercise, and running are examples of vigorous activities which increase the heart rate, breathing, and sweating (“American Cancer Society Guidelines” 8 and Whitney 464). Also, physical activity has been shown to reduce stress. Stress makes you more vulnerable to various diseases such as cancer. Conclusion As an old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth of pound of cure.” Being conscious of good nutrition and adequate physical activity will go far to prevent health problems such as various kinds of cancer. It is important to know what foods should be avoided or eaten in moderate amounts, and also what foods we should add to our diet to help prevent cancer.
Due to so many activities in our daily lives, we don’t pay attention to our meal plans as closely as we should. This includes knowing what we are buying, eating enough fruits and fresh vegetables, and avoiding junk foods. Also, it is a good idea to schedule an exercise time into our daily life. Being conscious of these things, it will put us in the best situation to prevent and fight cancer..