3. The summary of the report The aim of this report was to understand the different views and opinions on crime and punishment. To find out how punishment has changed through the ages and why different cultures see some crimes more serious than others and why some countries allow the death penalty as an acceptable punishment but others see it as inhumane murder. I used various resources to complete this report. I used 3 or 4 different library books and browsed through a lot of different internet sites also conducted a 20 question survey. I believe my findings on the report were quite conclusive as after i had researched the topic and heard both arguments for and against there was really only one choice and that is for the abolishment of .
4. Introduction I did a report on crime and punishment more so the death penalty as I find it very interesting that different cultures and society’s have different for the same crime. Also it has recently been in the media with the Bali bomber Amro zi on trial and has been convicted of terrorism and sentenced to death. For the past decades capital punishment has been one of the most hotly contested political issues in Australia if not the world. This debate is a complicated one. I have realised I don’t have an opinion as I don’t know much about the whole process and wanted to research the issue.
5. Main Body Should Capital Punishment be Abolished? 5. 1 Capital punishment has been part of the criminal justice system since the earliest of times. But opponents have argued that the death penalty is racist, economically unjustified, and in violation of basic human rights. However, today much of the debate over capital punishment is about whether it is morally right to sentence a person who has committed a serious crime to death. History 5.
2 Throughout history there has always been crime and for the most part there has been punishment. Wether it be one person trying to get revenge on another or the police and court system we have now, there has always been some kind of law and order system. I didn’t find it strange that crime and punishment has changed so much through time but I do find it strange that different countries have such different laws and beliefs. Right now we live in a very pleasant world if you look back in history at least. From caveman times through the medieval times and even as recently as 200 years life was much more harsh. The laws were stricter in the past, A person could be executed for things such as stealing or being accused of being a witch.
The ancient Hebrews inflicted death on any person found guilty of denying the true God or cursing their parents. For centuries, England punished by death those found guilty of pick pocketing and petty theft. Now in a lot of countries it is impossible to get the death sentence. However 2697 people were sentenced to death in 1992… Crimes worthy of death 5. 3 There are many different crimes which you can get the death sentence for.
From the petty ones such as overcharging or taking bribes to the more serious like murder and terrorism. The majority of offences which have the penalty of death are against property or government. Those against the death penalty argue that the loss of ones life is inappropriate for crimes against property. Death penalty a deterrent? 5. 4 Perhaps the most frequent argument for capital punishment is that of deterrence.
The prevailing thought is that imposition of the death penalty will act to dissuade other criminals from committing violent acts. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief however, all the evidence taken together makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do. Going ever farther, Bryan Stevenson, the executive director of the Montgomery based Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that “people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our society becomes.” For and Against 5. 5 There are many different arguments for the death penalty and equally against it. Some countries have abolished it completely like Australia others have and still use it regularly while Japan and the U.
S. A are in between using it for only the most serious criminals. Methods of Execution 5. 6 The methods in which we execute criminals has changed through time and will probably continue to change in the future.
Also different countries have different execution methods although the most recognized method worldwide is the infamous hanging. There are many more types of execution with beheading, stoning to death, lethal injections, electrocution and use of poisonous gases all recognized methods. Methods of execution worldwide are firing squad in 73 countries, hanging in 58 countries, stoning in six countries, lethal injection in five countries, beheading in three countries, electrocution in one country, and last lethal gas in one country. Now there are very few countries that hold public executions although they were very common in executions in the past. Historic execution methods 5. 6.
2 Throughout history, governments have been extremely inventive in finding new ways to execute people. Executions inflicted in the past are now regarded today as ghastly, barbaric, and unthinkable and are forbidden by law almost everywhere. Common historical methods of execution included: stoning, crucifixion, burning, breaking on the wheel, drawing and quartering, pine forte et dure, garroting, beheading or decapitation, shooting and hanging 6. Conclusion The use of capital punishment has been a permanent fixture in society since the earliest civilizations and continues to be used as a form of punishment in countries today. It has been used for various crimes ranging from the desertion of soldiers during wartime to the more heinous crimes of serial killers.
However, the mere fact that this brutal form of punishment and revenge has been the policy of many nations in the past does not subsequently warrant its implementation in today’s society. The death penalty is morally and socially unethical, I believe it should be known as cruel and unusual punishment since it is both discriminatory and arbitrary, has no proof of acting as a deterrent, and risks the atrocious and unacceptable injustice of executing innocent people. As long as capital punishment exists in our society it will continue to spark the injustice which it has failed to curb. 7.
Recommendations After doing research on crime and punishment i believe that capital punishment should be abolished in this country but also the rest of the world. The amount of people through the years that have been murdered by the goverment claiming it justice is unthinkable. Innocent people murdered for things such as being a accused of being a witch its unbelievable. Not to mention the hundreds of innocent people convicted of a crime and executed only to years after their death discover they were innocent. So of course my recommendation is to abolish the death penalty. Capital punishment is immoral and unethical.
It does not matter who does the killing because when a life is taken by another it is always wrong.