Causes And Historic Developments Pertaining To World War I

The First World War had many causes; historians probably have not yet discovered and discussed all of them so there might be more causes than what we know now. It was more than just a war between nations. It was a war between what was and what was to be. Most historians today said that it was “The War to End All Wars.” The spark of the Great War was the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife by a Serbian nationalist on the morning of June 28, 1914, while traveling in a procession through Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia. The Archduke was chosen as a target because Serbians feared that after his he became ruler, he would continue the persecution of Serbs living within the Hungarian Empire. The Serbian terrorist organization, the Black Hand, had trained a small group of teenage operatives to get into Bosnia and carry out the assassination of the Archduke.

When innocent citizens of a country are mercifully killed by another nation, war is evitable. “You have heard it before, Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” America has been involved in many wars throughout it’s history. From the Revolutionary War when the Americans fought the British to the war in Serbia in 1999 when the U. S. together with NATO fought Slobodan Milosevic. The war that was started at 8: 45 am Eastern time on September 11 in New York, the war that was declared on America on that day, is a war that should have no dissent because this new war is America’s most justified war.

Every war is justified and every war is not justified, so you really can’t say either or because both have good reasons. The three things that I would do to the defeated would be first to weaken there army. Second remove the leaders that where responsible for the invasion, and lastly I would find out why did they invaded my country. Also what was the reason for invasion. There where many causes of the Great War, It is thought that this war that is been ongoing for over a year, began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand. However, many other reasons led to this war, some occurring as far back the late 1800’s.

Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and the system of alliances were four main factors that pressed the great powers towards this explosive war.”.