Censorship San Diego Greenhaven

Should there be limits to free speech? Many Americans would answer No to this question. Freedom of expression is one of the basic privileges bestowed on all Americans by the Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the constitution. Traditionally, no form of expression should be censored unless it poses a direct harm to others. But the question inevitably arises regarding the kinds of harm from which people should be protected-from racists who preach hatred and foment violence? From anarchists who advocate an end to legitimate government? From people or organizations which promote harmful products or which vividly portray sex or violence in the public media? While some Americans believe the public should be protected from all of these things, others say that such protections are merely forms of censorship.

Preventing an anarchist from preaching revolution is one step toward censoring all unpopular kinds of expression. Which brings us to a final question, “Is censorship so important that we must regulate everything from music to even what we are wearing?” Hopefully you will be able to base your own decisions, however, that is one main problem with censorship, you, as an individual, no longer think for yourself, you follow aimlessly, and without hope, simply doing what everyone else is. Think for yourself, draw your own conclusions. After reading this paper, you will be on one side of the fence, Pro. or Con. There is no in-between.

Censorship is in fact harmful; we are censored so much in one day alone, that we don’t even know about it, be it in the movies we watch and music we listen to. These two main points will be discussed in detail with hope that you will draw your own conclusions. Before we get too far first we should define Censorship. Dave Marsh, Author of 50 Ways to Fight Censorship defines censorship as the removal of material from open access by government authority. (P. 1) In “The entertainment Industry should Be Censored” David Lowenthal states that: .”..

in movies and television that harm from even a single showing can be widespread… .” (P. 149) However, Mortimer B. Zuckerman, author of “The Entertainment Media Should Not Be Censored” states that: .”.. excessive censorship of movies is not needed.

Hollywood, which has had many movies that have exposed prejudice, racism and other social problems, also maintains a rating system that informs parents which movies are unsuitable for children… .” (P. 151) Now, keep in mind that Hollywood is warning parents about graphic violence and sex in movies. In fact all TV shows have a rating system blatantly showing parents what their children will be seeing. Music is a very sensitive subject, due to the fact that no matter what you do, or where you are, there is always music playing somewhere.

Be it at the supermarket, the dentists’ office, and let’s not forget your car. Music is everywhere; there is no denying it. John Leo, author of “Censoring Obscene Music is justified” states that: The issue at the heart of the controversy over music is not censorship, artistic freedom, sex or even obscene language. The real problem, I think is this: Because of the influence of a few not very distinguished music group, 10 and 12 year-old boys now walk down the street chanting about the joys of damaging a girl’s vagina during sex.” (P. 28) Numerous questions come to mind when I read this quote.

However one question really makes me wonder. How are young children getting these songs? Well many people argue off the Internet, this solution is simple; parents have to watch their kids when they are on the net. Problem solved. Thomas Storck, author of the article Censorship Can Be Beneficial, makes the claim that: “Ideas lead to actions, and bad ideas often lead to bad acts, bringing harm to individuals and possible ruin to societies.

Just as the state has the right to restrict and direct a person’s actions when he is a physical threat to the community, so also in the matter of intellectual or cultural threats, the authorities have duties to protect the community.” (P. 17) “Ideas lead to actions, and bad ideas often lead to bad acts.” Well now, does this mean that the government has to regulate everything? Honestly now, do our clothes harm ourselves or other people? Does my Slipknot shirt jump off my back and hit the old lady in the head? No! Simply because I wear a shirt that has the word “Asshole” blazoned across the back doesn’t mean I am a neo-nazi, ready to bomb the nearby Synagogue. One final point I wish to make, as you may have noticed, I am adamantly against censorship. However I often wonder if censorship is really necessary. If you can recall earlier both points I made about “true parenting.” If parents would take control of their children, censorship would not exist. If parents lay down the basic groundwork for how they expect their children to act, the basic principle for censorship is invalid.

Remember, the basic principle used for censorship is “to protect our children.” Unfortunately, censorship fanatics have convinced themselves that dirty lyrics, movies, or words in print, are the problem, when in reality, the problem is ourselves. Once we begin to exempt from First Amendment protections words and ideas that offend some of us, the list of exceptions that affects us only grows longer. It does not shrink. President Bush would outlaw flag burning. Jesse Helms would outlaw homoerotic art. Author and radical feminist Andrea Dworkin would censor any art, photos or films that, in her view, treat women as sex objects.

Some minority college students would censor all forms of expression that offend their sensibilities, including classroom discussions and student newspaper opinions. In conclusion, the only thing I ask of you is to follow your own path. Do not follow like a flock of sheep, blindly being herded and told lies. Get the information, and decide for yourself. “Congress shall make no law…

abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution Works Cited Leo, John. “Censoring Obscene Music is Justified.” Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Lisa Orr.

San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1990. 28-31 Lowenthal, David. “The entertainment Industry Should Be Censored” Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed.

Tamara L. Role ff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. 2002.

149-156 Marsh, Dave. 50 Ways to Fight Censorship. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1990 Storck, Thomas. “Censorship can be Beneficial.” Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed.

Byron L. Stay. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. 1997. 17-24 Zuckerman, Mortimer B. “The Entertainment Media Should not be Censored.” Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints.

Ed. Byron L. Stay. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

1997. 151-153.