Changing Perspective Change Negative Poem

Inevitably, everything evolves due to the ephemerality of life therefore everything constantly changes. Embracing these changes whether mentally, spiritually or physically will change our perspective on the way we view subject, someone or something and will either have positive or on us. The negative effects of change and also transformations in perspective are powerfully articulated in the poem “felik Skrynecki” by Peter Skrynecki through the use of striking metaphors and also in the short story Address Unknown by kressman Taylor through salutations in each of the letters sent. Obviously change does not always have negative outcomes as conveyed in the poem “The door” by Miroslav Holux through a dramatic monologue and constant clear repetition. However composers seem to prefer negative aspects of maybe because of a more emotional response as both Peter Skrzneckis poem ‘post card’ and “Guilty pleasures of loving a blessed and selfish country” by sarah macdonald (SMH) 01.

01. 02) expressed through the speaker and / or the focus characters which demonstrate a new perspective on the way they view their place and others’ in society as a result of change. The negative effects of change are powerfully conveyed in ‘Felik skryznecki’ by the use of emotive language techniques at the start of stanzas one and three and by the use of 1 rst person create a moving picture of the deterioration of the relationship between father and son. Adjectives like “alert, brisk and Gentle” and the introduction of he poem “my gentle father” allude the idea of a respectful affiliation between father and son.

However the last two lines of the poem “watched me peggy… Of Hadrian’s wall” shows the change in the relationship most effectively as it sums up his feelings of nationality Seperation. He is becoming more Australian growing further and further apart from his Polish father. The short story ‘address unknown’ by Kressman taylor accounts a gradual detereriation of friendship between two friends. One a jew living in America and the other a german- American that moved back to his homeland.

We see there first deterioration of friendship as an effect of change, because they both have incongruous perspectives on the rising power of Adolf Hitler. The jew states ” I do not like what I read of him.” ; the German writes I think in some ways he is good for Germany” The salutations at the start and the end of the letters received also clearly show a deterioration of the affiliation between them. The letters start off curious and effectinate ” how I envy you’ but by the last couple of letters they abhor each other. “I must demand you do not write again.”.