Characters Huck And Tom

Outline of the thesis 1> introduction and background information 2> brief introduction about Huck and Tom 3> comparasion between Huck and Tom 4> Notes Introduction is a novel about a young boy! s coming of age in the Missouri of the mid-1800^s. It is the story of Huck! s struggle to win freedom for himself and Jim, a Negro slave. Mark Twain put his prime purpose, one that branched in all his writing: a plea for humanity, for the end of caste, and of its cruelties (Allen 260). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was Mark Twain! s greatest book, and a delighted world named it his masterpiece. To nations knowing it well – Huck riding his raft in every language men could print – it was America! s masterpiece (Allen 259). The novel also has been called! ^0 the school of many late Western writers! +/-.

Sherwood Anderson used it as a model for his own Wines burg Ohio (1919). Ernest Hemingway, whose own style is based on Twain! s, once said! ^0 all modern American literature comes from Huckbellery Finn! +/- Background informaion. Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was born in Florida, Missouri, in 1835. During his childhood he lived in Hannibal, Missouri, a Mississippi river port that was to become a large influence on his future writing. It was Twain! s nature to write about where he lived, and his nature to criticize it if he felt it necessary. Brief introduction about Huck and Tom Tom Tom is one of the friends of Huck, a boy from American village.

he is romantic idealist and quite a strange boy. He have read so many books then used some ways from many books. In this novel, he appeared several times. The first time was he and other boys organized a gang named! ^0 Tom Sawyer Gang! +/-, such a young boy could organize a gang, made rules from the storybooks, even wanted to rob or kill some people.

Another time was in Aunt Sally! s farm, Tom though of a lot of strange ways to save Jim. After all, the character Tom Sawyer in the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn made the story interesting, and these unexpected behaviors of Tom showed the feature of Mark Twain. Huck Huck is the real hero of this novel, the narrator of the story and for the most part is honest to us the readers. He dreads the rules and conform ities of society such as religion, school, and anything else that will eventually make him civilized. when comparing with Tom, he was more practical, more rational, seemed like a real boy, he could be in the world, but Tom appeared only in the stories. When I read the first part of the story, I knew he is a little familiar with Tom “C he did not like study, but like life of freedom.

! ! comparasion between Huck and Tom alikeness From the novel, we knew both Tom and Huck did not like the life of a! ^0 civilized! +/- people. They did not like study, but like the life of freedom, although Tom had read some interesting books, which he would like to read, and maybe he knew some details of the stories. The other is that they are both very brave. In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck and Jim see a steamboat that had wrecked on the rocks and decide to check it out. Huck thinks that there will be lots of things on the wrecked boat for them to filch. Jim was a little nervous about infringing but Huck said that if Tom were there, he would have gone.

Once they were on the boat they saw a fight. Huck was scared but he knew that if Tom were there he wouldn! t back out, so Huck wasn! t going to either. Another way that Tom and Huck are alike is that they are both always getting themselves into trouble. It seems that where ever they go, trouble follows them.

They are also both interlopers and very fractious. Both of the boys are also very erudite (smart). In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck tricked the two men with guns out of finding Jim. He told the two men that it was his father back on the raft.

When they said that they were going to go see for themselves Huck replied, ! ^0 Pap! ll be mighty much obliged to you, I can tell you. Everybody goes away when I was them to help me tow the raft ashore, and I can! t do it by myself. ! +/- Then they men felt sorry for Huck and each gave him twenty dollars. difference One thing different between Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer is that Huck has no family.

Huck lives with the widow and her sister, Miss Watson. In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer made a gang and they would kill people. One of the rules of the club was if anyone told anyone else about what happened they would kill that person and their family. One of the boys in the gang pointed out that Huck had no family so it wasn! t fair for him to be in the gang. Huck then offered them Miss Watson – they could kill her. Another thing different between the two boys is Huck often gets confused or distracted.

When Huck went to Judith Loftus! s house he dressed as a girl and first told her that his name was Sarah Williams. Later he forgets that he is a girl and threads a needle like a boy, throws like a boy, and even forgets his own name. ! ^0 Sarah! s my first name. Some calls me Sarah, some calls me Mary, ! +/- he said. One more difference between Tom and Huck is that Tom is very violent and Huck is easy going and helpful. In Tom! s! ^0 gang! +/- he said that they would kill everyone, even women.

When one of the boys asked if they had to kill everyone Tom says, ! ^0 Oh, certainly. It! s best. Some authorities think differently, but mostly it! s considered best to kill them… ! +/- Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are two very different people, Even though they are also alike in many ways. Anyway, in the books of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck and Tom are always friends, they must have a lot of common characters and differences though as good friend. Once we read more, we! ll taste more, and find more vivid and humorous descriptions about the tow main characters.

Anyway my passage in just one piece of leaf in a tree. Bibliography An outline of American literature Peter B. High web Tom Sawyer Vs. Huck Finn By: Carrie web ain characters Huck verry Finn (Yahoo) Book Review of Hackberry Finn.