Characters In The Old Man And The Sea

CHARACTERS Major Characters Santiago – an old Cuban who is the protagonist of the book. He is a skilled fisherman by profession and Hemingway’s Code Hero who always maintains grace under pressure. Man olin – a young boy of about fourteen years of age. He is Santiago’s student and closest friend.

He also cares for the old man, emotionally and physically. The Giant Marlin – Santiago’s large catch that battles with the fisherman for three days and nights, proving his strength, power, patience, and determination. The giant fish fully challenges Santiago, who sees the fish as stronger and nobler than he is. He succeeds in mastering the fish only because he has more intelligence than this giant creature of the deep. The Sharks – the evil elements of the sea. Attracted by its blood, they attack and devour the giant fish.

Santiago takes great pleasure in killing or wounding these scavengers, the deadliest creatures in the deep. They are a sharp contrast to the majestic and noble fish. Minor Characters DiMaggio – a famous American baseball player. Although he is never seen in the novel, he is often mentioned and serves as an inspiration to Santiago.

John J. McGraw – the coach and manager of the American baseball team. He often comes to The Terrace, a restaurant in Santiago’s village. Ped rico – another fisherman in Santiago’s village. He makes hooks and fish traps for other fisherman. Martin – owner of the Terrace Restaurant.

Rogelio – a young boy who helps Santiago with his fishnets. We were very anxious and excited to ride the motorcycle, the weather was warm and windy, and the city was quiet and sleepy. We decided to do a short trip, so the following day we could show the motorcycle to everyone. But young souls are impatient; consequently, we ran out of the house riding the new present. After two hours of riding this wonderful and amazing technology device, a car was coming in front of us like if its driver was crazy or drank. We didn’t have the opportunity to avoid it because the car was too fast and close, of course, we crashed into it.

The car’s driver ran away and finally the police arrived. They took us to the hospital; it is the last thing that I remember. When I opened my eyes, everybody was running everywhere in a kind of hurry. Then, when the pain was all over my arm, I realized that I was in the hospital.

The Doctor asked my name, my age, and the day of the year. I asked him too, “What happen to me. ?” The Doctor said, “Your hand is severely injured, and your tendons need to be joined; therefore, we need to operate it right now.” Suddenly, all my dreams of being a baseball player and having my normal life banished in a second, and a strange feeling of sadness invaded my whole body. I was still awake when the Doctor and the nurses took me to the operating room; the place was completely white like welcoming you to other world. The pain was constant and I was waiting for a miracle. Then, the doctor asked me to relax and think about a good memory, so I just did what he said.

I woke up and I was surrounded by nurses and, of course, by the Doctor. “The surgery took 8 hours,” the Doctor said, “and another surgery might be needed.” I didn’t concerned about the another surgery fact, however, I was a little bit sad and curious. The next minutes I waited for my parent’s arrival. I didn’t think about my hand and bad news. When they arrived, I felt blessed for their presence and in that moment, I realized how lucky I was being surrounded by family and friends, and even more, seeing Michael holding my mother’s hand knowing he was al l right.

On the other hand, the Doctor and my parents were talking about my situation. The Doctor explained to my father that the damage of my hand was serious. He explained that every operation has a risk and, therefore, the possibility of an amputation was open. Of course, this fact was connected to my healing response and the reaction to the medicines. The day after the surgery, my friends and family came over to visit me. We were talking about everything and about the accident.

My parents spoke with the Doctor once again. The Doctor had a splendid smile in his face, in that moment I knew everything was okay. He gave details about the surgery and the recuperation. He said that I had good defenses and that my hand was out of danger. My dreams and my goals were born again. I was different now.

I was more responsible and conscious about the importance of being alive; the importance of give value to our body, our senses, and our whole being that suffers and needs to be in peace. At the.