Chariot Of Chariots Eric Liddell

! ^0 I believe God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure. ! +/- (Eric Liddell, talking with his sister Jennie) Eric Liddell has a hidden purpose for running in his heart, which is to run to feel God! s pleasure. He has a tireless pursuit of winning; however, not to prove that he is good at running, but to prove that! ^0 committing to the love of Christ is how to run a straight race. ! +/- (Eric Liddell, preaching on the training ground) By blood as Scottish, but was born in China, Eric Liddell deems that the purpose for God to create him is for China, yet he has also set his heart to devote himself to running to prove the glory of God.

Eric Liddell! s commitment to running and commitment to God place him into a position higher than other runners. His running is a reconciliation of his faith and his passion. He runs for the glory of God. His faith always remains constant and pre-eminent in his life.

He is not just a chariot. He is the chariot of chariots. Carmelita C. AP Composition September 25, 2003 Essay #4 Eric Liddell is both a devout Christian missionary and one of the fastest men in the world.

Training and racing obviously place certain demands on his time and attention, to the strong objections of his sister, Jennie, who thinks he is being distracted from his duties to God. In one of the better set pieces, he explains to her: ! ^0 I believe God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure. To win is to honor Him.

! +/- When his faith and his gift of speed do truly come into conflict “C when one of his 1924 Olympic trial heats is scheduled for the Sabbath “C he still has enough perspective to see that God must come before self. He resists pressure from the Olympic Committee and from the Prince of Wales until his teammate, Andrew Lord Lindsay, who has already medal led in the hurdles, offers to give up his own place in the 400 meters in favor of Liddell. Eric Liddell runs, speaks, and lives with great faithfulness and solid commitment to Christ. Chariots of Fire chronicles his faith, influencing yet others for Jesus Christ. Honor God in all you do, and He will honor your obedience with a life that counts for eternity.

! ^0 Complete surrender! +/- to Christ is total victory. He speaks of the Carmelita C. AP Composition September 25, 2003 Essay #4 strength he feels within himself from the sure knowledge of God’s love and support. He never questions anything that happened either to himself or to others.

He does not need explanations from God. He simply believes in Him and accepts whatever came. Perhaps God does make Eric Liddell for a purpose, so that his speed, his sportsmanship, and his spirit might help to make life in that camp a bit more tolerable for his fellow internees. This is a story about faith. It is about the faith in God for Eric Liddell. He is propelled to Olympic glory by it.

It seems certain that in his athletic endeavors and his faith he gave honor to God and enabled the rest of us to see some reflection of God within the divined Eric Liddell.