essay on charlotte o’neils song and blessing The first poem was entitled “Blessing” by Imtiaz Darker. In this poem, the poet talks about suffering and thirst and hunger. The second poem was entitled “Charlotte O’Neil’s Song” by Fiona Farrell. In this poem the poet talks about slavery and anger.
Both poets show different types of suffering. I wish to consider how both poets show this suffering. thirst and hunger. The second poem was entitled “Charlotte O’Neil’s Song” by Fiona Farrell. In this poem the poet talks about slavery and anger. Both poets show different types of suffering.
I wish to consider how both poets show Suffering. The poet uses strong, emotive words (words which raise emotions); this poem is about human suffering and deprivation. “There never is enough water.” Imagine the drip of it, the small splash, echo in a tin mug.” Here the word-choice is excellent. The word “imagine” tells me that this is the closest they come to getting water.
Also the fact that it “echoes” in the mug and it only makes “a small splash” continues this idea of deprivation and sheer lack of basic things. Here, not only does her word choice show suffering but also her use of alliteration. “Blessing” uses strong, emotive words (words which raise emotions); this poem is about human suffering never is enough water.” Imagine the drip of it, the small splash, echo in a tin mug.” His word-choice is excellent. The word “imagine”, it deals with slavery rather than hunger and thirst. Charlotte O’Neil also uses excellent word choice but it is not as powerful as “Blessing.” Instead it shows how the mistress’s life compares to the slave’s life, it sets up contrasts. “You lay on a silken pillow.
I lay on an attic cot.” This quote proves that Charlotte O’Neil is treated very badly but still provided for whereas the mistress is living a life of luxury. Blessing” -choice is excellent. The word “imagine” tells me that this is the closest they come to getting water. Also the fact that it “echoes” in the mug and it only makes “a small splash” continues this idea of deprivation and sheer lack of basic things. Here, not only does her word choice show suffering but also her use of alliteration.
The word “frantic hands” shows suffering because they are fighting over the water where they are so thirsty. They are out of their minds with thirst. She also describes the crowd as “a roar of voices.” Here I see that they are fighting like animals, their deprivation has made them behave in a really horrible way towards each other. Charlotte O’Neil’s song a different type of suffering, it deals with slavery rather than hunger and thirst. Charlotte O’Neil also uses excellent word choice but it is not as powerful as “Blessing.” Instead it shows how the mistress’s life compares to the slave’s life, it sets up contrasts. “You lay on a silken pillow.
I lay on an attic cot.” This quote proves that Charlotte O’Neil is treated very badly but still provided for whereas the mistress is living a life of luxury. Who could deny this lady is not suffering although maybe not as bad as the people in the “Blessing.”Blessing” uses many metaphors similes and alliteration to show suffering. I thought both poems were very good. I liked the first one because it had more detail and more metaphors and it was easy to understand. The second poem did not have a lot detail and it had posh words that I could not understand. But I liked the second one because it was fun to read..