Charlottes Web Physical Death And Rebirth

A major theme that runs though Charlotte’s Web is that of cycles of life, especially . Many things change for the characters in chapter 19. Wilbur goes though a metaphorical birth and death. Charlotte is at the start of her physical death and rebirth. And Fern has moved on from her friendship with Wilbur.

This is highlighted at the start of chapter 19. The chapter starts at the beginning of a new day, this is symbolic of what is about to go on in the story. The start of a new day is the start of that days ‘life’ or the start of its cycle. When night comes it the day ‘die’s’ it comes to the end of its cycle. And the next day it is ‘reborn’ and it starts its cycle again. This mirrors the metaphorical death and rebirth Wilbur is about to go on and the Charlotte’s physical death and rebirth.

Wilbur (if has know it or not) has been avoiding death all his life. When he was first born Mr Arable was going to kill him for being a runt. But he was saved by Fern. At the Zuckerman’s farm the goose told him that he was going to be killed in wintertime. Charlotte then saved his life by writing words in her web, that show everyone just how special he was. In Chapter 18 Wilbur is worried about his life again.

He asks Charlotte if she thinks he will die at wintertime. Charlotte replies that she think he will win the prize. He might even live-forever? Wilbur then asks what she is doing; she replies that she is making something for herself. Charlotte seems a little different. Chapter 19 changes the focus from Wilbur trying to prolong death onto Charlottes impending death. The theme of life cycles is raised again when Charlotte lets Wilbur that she wont be able to see her children in spring.

If the next season is spring it is logical to assume that that it would be very close to winter. Both winter and spring have connotations that reflect the story. Charlotte dies in winter which is symbolic of death, and she metaphorically is reborn though her children especially ‘Joy’, ‘Aranea’ and ‘Nellie’ It’s interesting to note that Charlotte dose her greatest work in the last moments of her life. She have laid all her children, and wrote the words that will ensure Wilbur a long life in her web. She dies soon after. Her physical rebirth will take place in the form of her children and especially…

Wilbur’s metaphorical death starts the moments Charlotte lets him that she is dieing. Though the text never dwells on Wilbur’s response it can be assumed that he would be never sad to here his as he is a very loving and caring pig. He looks up to Charlotte as a mother figure. He might also feel guilty that she has spent all this time protecting him, while her own life is slipping by her.

This bad new is immediately impacted with more bad news from Templeton. He tells them that the pig next door has won the prize. And he suggests that Mr Zuckerman might ‘change his mind on him’ this feeds into Wilbur’s insecurities. Wilbur becomes doubly paranoid as he knows he wont have Charlotte to protect him anymore.

Also (though Wilbur doesn’t know it) Fern has grown apart from him. He was now lost all the people he hold close to him. His ‘rebirth’ happens when he has a realisation of his true identity. When Charlotte writes ‘Some Pig’ Wilbur doubt’s that he really is ‘Some Pig’.

Next when Charlotte writes ‘Terrific’ he tells Charlotte that he isn’t Terrific. When she writes ‘Radiant’ he starts to believe that he is radiant. It is interesting why Charlotte has chosen the word ‘humble’ as her last message to the world. She has chosen this word because it best typifies Wilbur. Charlotte examples to Templeton the duel meaning of the words humble ‘Not Proud’ describes his personality and on a lighter not it describes his physicality as he is ‘near the ground’. His ‘rebirth’ happens when Mr Zuckerman says “Now isn’t that the word for Wilbur” Because Mr Zuckerman is rejoicing in who Wilbur is, not that there is writing in the Web.

This makes Wilbur been loved and safe. Wilbur fears are but the rest when he wins the special prize. This chapter is also about Fern’s moving on. While both the families are morning the loss of the prize Fern is more interested in the attractions of the fair, she asks her mother for money and she is abruptly cut down.

She cries because of it, not because Wilbur has lost first prize. After the find out that Wilbur will get a special prize Fern is excited but this is short lived as she soon asks for more money, once again she is denied. This shows she would rather play at the fair than see Wilbur get his prize. At the end of the chapter we find out that she wants to go play with ‘Henry Fern’.

It can be seen that Chapter 19 deals with the themes of ‘life cycles, metaphorical, and physical ‘death’ and ‘rebirth’. The language, style and structure takes Wilbur though a metaphorical birth and death, and Charlotte though the beginnings of her physical death and rebirth.