Child Development 125 BIRTH PAPER: When did you give birth to your child? Adriana: “July 19, 2000″Karen: “February 10, 1971” Q: Describe the type of information you received about what to expect during childbirth. Adriana: “My doctor was very helpful with questions and answers, but Phil and I also took Lamaz classes, child birthing classes, breastfeeding and nutrition classes and parenting classes.” Karen: “My doctor put me in a room, by myself and I watched a video of a woman giving birth. That was it.” Q: Describe the prenatal care received. Adriana: “I had about ten total visits. I received information on breastfeeding, was tested for diabetes and RH- blood, which I had so I received a shot for that. I had both an ultrasound and a sonogram.” Karen: “I didn’t have an ultrasound or sonogram.
At first I was spotting so I visited my doctor once a week and received hormone shots. After the first three months I saw him once a month. The exams included a vaginal and checking my weight and blood pressure.” Q: Where did you deliver and why? Adriana: “we chose Scripps Mercy because it is in our village and because it didn’t feel so much like a hospital, it was more like a hotel room. Also because the people were friendly and it wasn’t crowded.” Karen: “Sharps Hospital. That is where, out of the two places he delivered, my doctor suggested because Children’s was next door just in case complications occurred.” Q; Explain whether your husband was present during labor and delivery. Why or why not? What was his role? Adriana: “Yes he was there during everything because he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
He was the Lamaz coach.” Karen: “He had no role in the labor but was there. During the delivery he left the room because he didn’t want to stay.” Q: Describe the type of anesthesia used during labor. Did you have a choice? Adriana: “An epidural and morphine. At about six months a birth plan was written and options were given and at first I didn’t want anything but complications arose during labor and I just wanted the pain to stop.” Karen: “Nothing was given to me until twenty minutes before you were born and I had no choice.” Q: By what method was your baby delivered? Were there any problems? Adriana: “By caesarean.
Yes there were problems. I needed a shot for RH- blood so I wouldn’t poison my baby. I also have GBS, a vaginal bacteria some women have, that passed on to my baby. I had a fever and had to be given oxygen. I blacked out because the pain was unbearable and I couldn’t eat.
I was in labor from 6 am to 11: 07 pm. Mika (her daughter) had to be put in the special nursery to see if my fever affected her. It didn’t. Karen: “Vaginally and no problems.” Q: How long were you in the hospital? Adriana: “Three days. I was healing from the surgery and they were monitoring both me and Mika.” Karen: “About forty- three hours.” Q: How much contact did you have in first few days? Adriana: “I was wheeled down to the nursery every two hours to nurse.” Karen: “Ten minutes after they cleaned you off, a half hour the next morning, a half hour at noon and an hour that next evening. The next day we went home.” Q: How much contact did daddy have in first few days? Adriana: “He would travel between home and hospital about five times a day to see us both.
He held her a lot.” Karen: “None in the hospital but when we got home he was wonderful, he took over. He taught me how to clean your umbilical cord and everything. I had headaches so he bathed you and changed you and did it all.” When I have a child I would like to think that I could go all natural, no drugs of any kind. I also want to try the under water method. I’d like my baby to know warmth and softness as a first experience rather than bright lights and cold. I want to hold my baby before they carry it off to be cleaned.
All of these things are important to me because I think that a child’s entrance into the world can be a very traumatic and I do not wish for that to be the case for mine.