Child Kids Wrong Smack

It’s apparent in this day and age that we have a problem with teenagers and children acting up against their parents. We have kids vandalizing houses, stealing cars, getting pregnant, drinking, and doing drugs. This kind of behavior is unacceptable. We shouldn’t allow our children to walk all over us and do what they want.

Time outs are ridiculous. Think of all the valuable time wasted when those children could be doing chores. Sitting down and chatting with them to find out what makes them act the way they do just wouldn’t help. Sending a child to therapy would obviously show your lack of skills at parenting. The smart answer is to beat your children. As the child grows up, if you ask them to clean their room and they say, “I don’t want to!” , smack them.

The child will be sure to do the job and do it right next time. No need to worry about negative side effects, what could go wrong with a well-disciplined child? Kids these days think that their opinions matter. That’s where they go wrong. They run around thinking that they have it rough so they can just die their hair pink or have nose rings that look like they belong to bulls. If you beat your kids, you will never have to worry about them acting up again. They will be perfect adults and lead perfect lives.

There are several maneuvers that can be performed to let your kid know who is boss. For minor problems, like talking back and vulgar language, the face-hand smack is usually the best option. Just put four fingers tightly together and leave the thumb off to the side. Then smack your kid across the face with the back of your hand. The tricky part is to make sure that you snap your wrist just before contact otherwise you won’t get a stinging effect. This is extremely important, because you don’t want your child to go around thinking you ” re letting them off easy.

I always enjoy using the sucker punch on my offspring. Simply tell them their shoe is untied, and just when they look down, bust their lip. This will always keep them inline. They won’t know when it’s coming for them. Just because they ” re not doing anything wrong, doesn’t mean that they didn’t do something wrong earlier that you weren’t aware of. Is your kid trying to prove you wrong? Did they interrupt you in the middle of your sentence? Have they whined about things taking to long, car rides, needing to use the bathroom, wanting money, or going out with friends? The best way to keep them in line is to use the face-hand smack to shock them, wait a few seconds until they finish blubbering about how life isn’t fair, and then smack them again.

This is sure to keep them quiet. Kids should know to never be rude or impatient with their parents, it’s disrespectful. For the more testy times, a more serious form of punishment should be put in action. It is called the pvc pipe maneuver. This should be used when your child comes home and something comes out of their mouth that sounds like “She might be pregnant… .” Or I can (smoke, drink, have sex, come home, etc.

) when / if I want to” The threat of hitting them over the head with a pvc pipe is usually enough to keep your kid from making the mistake of thinking that they can do as they please. SOme may say that they feel this is a little drastic for such a small mistake, but we can’t have kids running amuck in our cities. They need to know the difference between right and wrong. Should one child die from the blows, let them stand as an example that we, as parents, mean business.

A blow to the side or back of the head is a great learning technique as well as disciplinary option. It can be very useful for teaching your child to read when he or she makes a mistake, or when they embarrass you in front of your boss or friends. Hitting your child when he or she is learning builds confidence. We all know the backseat slap. Even our parents used this as a quick way to get us back for misbehaving in the car. Turnaround while driving to smack your kid and his / her friends if needed.

Swerve the car back and forth for the full effect. Some might complain, that in their old age, they find that they are unsuccessful in beating their kids. This is just an excuse for bad parenting. Ger creative! Forget chasing them around the house, trip them, or knock them in the shins with your cane.

If they try to get up, simply poke them in the face a few times with the tip of the cane, just to show who’s boss. You make payments on the house, utilities, their clothes, school, and their food. You own them. If they don’t like it, they can move out. If you love your kids, love them enough to beat them so that they don’t grow up to be morons.