Childern Child Thier Mother

In this poem Plath is addressing her childern. she refers to the cry of her childern with a bold cry taking its place among the elements. This is a reference to her experience with her husband that she wants to establish a separate personality from her husband. In general these lines reveal many of thr mothers feelings for her child using symbolisms and comparisons. Childern symbolize purity and innocence. Thier purity represent a safe haven for the adult to resort to at times of confusion and disorder.

She says “nakedness shadows our safty” which means thier innocence make us safe. Pla the in speaking about the loss of women of thier maternity. She is drawing a comparison between the concept of women losing thier maternity and a cloud which losses it’s personalty in the course of time, speacialy when the clouds starts to rain. That means women loss their beauty and power under the effect of maternity. In this stanza we see the relationship between the mother and the child; the mother move into background as the child move into foreground. the rest of the poem talks about the everyday aspects of life that become affected by having a child.

She says that the breath of her childern makes her a wake all night long and its affected is like the moth on her body one cry from the child makes the mother awake and she looks for food to feed him. then she looks out the window watching the stars untill down. She forgets that she tired herself at night when she listens to her childern utterance. The aims to explore not only the physical aspect of process of birth but the maternal bond between a mother and her child.

its imagery is strange and unique. The comparison and contrast are far-fetched. It reflects a new era in the relationship between parents and thier childern.